- About us
- About Cancer Council
- Policy and advocacy
- Anita Dessaix
- Associate Professor David A Clark
- Associate Professor David Francis
- Ms Cairin Conway
- Clinical Associate Professor Sam Saidi
- Derek Campbell
- Dr Andrew Miller
- Dr Andrew Satchell
- Dr Phillip Artemi
- How we help
- Ms Jane Martin
- Ms Jo Pham
- Callista Tafamgombe
- Dr Kathy Chapman
- Mark Nevin
- Megan Varlow
- National committees
- News and Media
- Cancer Council Blog
- A Chance to Remain Connected
- A Ladies Day!
- A Silent Visitor
- Alcohol increases cancer risk, but don't trust the booze industry to give you the facts straight
- Are Aussies becoming sun-slackers?
- Australia's Biggest Morning Tea turns 20 - a time to reflect on progress in cancer control
- Australia's new cervical cancer screening program: your FAQs answered
- Australia should throw its weight behind a sugar tax
- Australian cancer research - Are we really getting closer to a cancer free future?
- Australian study first to assess 'real world' impact of HPV vaccine on cervical cancer
- Bust the myth: what's fact or fiction when it comes to cancer?
- Cancer, your work and you: should you tell your employer and colleagues about your diagnosis?
- Cancer Council and sunscreens: what you need to know this summer
- Cancer doesn't discriminate by culture - nor should we
- Cancer in the workplace is a growing issue. Is your organisation ready?
- Cancer risks in the workplace - the job's not done - yet
- Cancer Survivorship Webinar
- Come on boys, let's learn from the girls and reduce our cancer risk
- Does an aspirin a day keep cancer away?
- Don’t sit still, create a Daffodil!
- Downsizing in the Big Apple
- Drill into that wall at your peril!
- Embracing a cancer smart lifestyle
- Every cancer patient should be prescribed exercise medicine
- Everyone should be talking about it: the free cancer test waiting to save almost 84,000 Australian lives
- Everything does not give you cancer, so avoid the things that might
- Extreme caution needed on electronic cigarettes
- Finding the cancer at the bottom of the pile
- Get your parents to screen for bowel cancer
- Health Check: does alcohol cause cancer?
- Health Check: what does the UV Index mean?
- Hillcrest Is Being SunSmart
- Historic day in health, as plain tobacco packs hit the shelves
- How Australia's new cervical screening program will save lives
- How does sunscreen work, what is SPF, and can I tan with it on?
- How sexual assault survivors can feel in control during cervical screenings
- How to help people with cancer during COVID-19 when you don't have much to give
- How to prepare for a telehealth consultation
- How to tick bowel screening off your to-do list
- How we could use our existing health system to better diagnose and treat forgotten cancers
- How worried should we be about nanoparticles in sunscreen?
- If you see us on the streets this Friday, here's why
- Introducing Gather My Crew, the online tool to help those in a health crisis
- Ireland's World No Tobacco Day move makes plain sense
- Is your job increasing your cancer risk?
- Australia, it's time to get serious about sun protection.
- Here are the nine things you should know about the new cervical screening program
- Let's keep the alcohol industry honest
- Living with loss in the holiday season
- Looking after yourself when you're caring for someone with cancer
- Lung cancer is Australia’s biggest cancer killer – we need to act now
- Lung cancer patients deserve greater support, whether they smoke or not
- Mammogram still best option for breast checks
- Medical myth: natural cancer therapies can't harm you
- Why men with cancer need improved emotional support throughout their cancer experience
- Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is fairest of them all?
- Mum, Dad? What's cancer?
- 12 Tips to Reduce Your Alcohol Intake
- 5 questions women have about Cervical Screening Tests
- New year's resolutions for a healthier you
- No magic bullet but cancer is no longer a death sentence
- Not everything gives you cancer, but eating too much processed meat certainly can
- Now is not the time for Australians to lose confidence in sunscreen
- What’s next in your NETs experience? Know what to expect at every step
- Out with traffic lights, in with stars - next steps for food labelling
- Plain packaging will work
- Progress in cancer treatment and care
- Prostate cancer tests are great for some but bring hidden problems to many
- Radiation in Japan: what is the cancer risk?
- Real stories: Raymond Mee
- Recommended cervical screening changes will save more lives, but let's not lose any in the meantime
- Searching for cancer information online
- Seize the Day Educational Scholarships
- Skin cancer: If in doubt, check it out
- Supporting your family through a cancer diagnosis in the midst of a pandemic
- Tasmania; one of the highest participation rates in the Bowel Cancer Screening
- Taxing sugary drinks would boost productivity, not just health
- The benefits of BreastScreen outweigh the problems
- The birth of Slip, Slop, Slap and the science behind nation-wide behaviour change
- The evidence is in - plain packs are working
- The skin damage I see doesn't just happen at the beach
- The US has decided you can't patent a gene - it's time for Australia to do the same
- Think treating skin cancer is always easy? Think again.
- This is the best way to find breast cancer early
- Three charts on: cancer rates in Australia, where liver cancer is on the rise while other types fall
- Three things you need to know about cervical screening
- Tradies beware: Five workplace cancer risk factors
- The job's not done until we're all safe in the sun
- Finding breast cancers early - a roadmap for personalised screening
- Mandatory Health Star Ratings - a quick way to select foods when shopping
- Protecting your skin from incidental sun exposure
- Vitamin D and sun protection
- Vitamin pills' role in recovering from cancer
- We don't make this stuff up, alcohol is a proven killer
- Globally, and at home, we need a plan to reduce cancer inequalities
- What are cancer clusters?
- What happens to your skin when you get sunburnt?
- What happens to your skin when you get sunburnt? A dermatologist explains
- What restrictions lifting means for people affected by cancer
- What’s the bravest thing we can do for cancer this World Cancer Day?
- What should I do if someone I love smokes?
- When cancer strikes - how to be a friend
- When it comes to skin cancer, early detection is the key
- Why it’s important to protect your skin at every age- a dermatologist explains
- Why it’s not just up to smokers to ‘Commit to Quit’ this World No Tobacco Day
- Why there has never been a better time to quit than now
- Why we need to turn up the heat on sun safety
- World Health Organisation strategy for eliminating cervical cancer
- World leading research confirms regular sunscreen use can prevent melanoma
- Young or old, there's nothing healthy about a tan
- Media contacts
- Media Releases
- $388 billion reasons to get anti-smoking campaigns back on the public agenda
- A Father’s Day reminder to dads to protect themselves as well as their kids
- Alcohol brands using non-alcoholic products to target kids and adolescents
- Almost half of Australians confused about sunscreen
- Aussies urged to take a half-time toilet break for bowel cancer this State of Origin series
- Australia has the potential to reduce lung cancer deaths, major international clinical trials show
- Australia must lead on UN plan to cut chronic disease deaths by one-third by 2030
- Australia’s disadvantaged fall behind in bowel cancer
- Australia set to eliminate cervical cancer by 2035
- Australian Cancer Atlas unpacks cancer burden by locality
- Australian cancer prevalence exceeds 1 million: new estimates
- Australian government and Cancer Council lead WHO commitment to eliminate cervical cancer
- Australian initiative goes global and wins against ‘heartless Goliath’
- Australian researchers light the way for global strategy to save 62 million lives
- Australian women encouraged to take part in new cervical screening program
- Australians urged to put cancer screening at the top of their to-do list
- Battle of the poos: which regions lead the bowel screening battle?
- Best practice guidelines for melanoma care goes digital
- Bowel cancer campaigns could save over 4300 Australian lives
- Bronzed Aussies don’t link tanning with skin cancer
- Budget lays platform for longer term improvements in cancer policy, says Cancer Council Australia
- Calls for equal access to cancer care in Australia, as February 4 marks World Cancer Day
- Cancer charities call for better disclosure on cost of treatment
- Cancer charities welcome Opposition’s $10m plan for reducing bill shock
- Cancer Council: Labor commitment to tackling obesity, alcohol could help prevent thousands of cancer cases
- Cancer Council: MSAC approval takes Australian women one step closer to doing their own cervical screening tests
- Cancer Council aims to combat nation’s second biggest cancer killer
- Cancer Council applauds Minister Hunt’s strong stance on e-cigarettes
- Cancer Council applauds US ban on menthol in tobacco, calls for Australia to follow
- Cancer Council asks, “5.5 million poo tests. Have you had yours?”
- Cancer Council Australia appoints Tanya Buchanan as CEO
- Cancer Council Australia CEO receives Australia Day honour
- Cancer Council Australia welcomes Singapore’s standardised packaging tobacco reforms
- Cancer Council calls for stronger action on e-cigarettes as landmark study shows young Australians are most at risk
- Cancer Council calls for urgent investment in a National Tobacco Campaign, as May 31 marks World No Tobacco Day
- Cancer Council calls on all political parties to reduce the impact of cancer, as the federal election campaign gets firmly underway
- Cancer Council calls on Federal government support to keep all Aussies safe in the sun
- Cancer Council calls on workplaces to do more to help prevent skin cancers
- Cancer Council cautiously welcomes new Australian Bureau of Statistics data showing record low percentages of Australian smoking
- Cancer Council CEO receives international nursing award
- Cancer Council commends change to food labelling system
- Cancer Council commends the Australian Government on release of the National Preventative Health Strategy
- Cancer Council condemns unhealthy food and drink advertising as pester power prevails
- Cancer Council congratulates the Federal Government on announcing decisive actions to address vaping epidemic and smoking
- Cancer Council encourages Australians to quit for COVID
- Cancer Council endorses Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcohol
- Cancer Council hails landmark study in patient-centred care
- Cancer Council has Gotcha Covered with sun protection
- Cancer Council research shows sun mistakes putting Aussies at risk
- Cancer Council strongly urges Australians against aerosol sunscreens
- Cancer Council supports government rejection of big, bad tobacco’s latest ploy
- Cancer Council warns against use of aerosol sunscreens
- Cancer Council warns that the government’s goals for smoking prevalence will only be possible with ongoing funding to tackle Indigenous smoking
- Cancer Council welcomes $10 million Government investment in bowel cancer
- Cancer Council welcomes ban on engineered stone products, protecting the lungs of thousands of Australian workers
- Cancer Council welcomes federal government action to support more Australians affected by cancer
- Cancer Council welcomes Federal Government’s commitment to strengthening tobacco law enforcement
- Cancer Council welcomes federal Opposition’s ‘landmark’ $2.3b cancer care plan
- Cancer Council welcomes funding as liver cancer rates skyrocket
- Cancer Council welcomes landmark legislation to reignite the fight against smoking and nicotine addiction
- Cancer Council welcomes National Strategy for the Elimination of Cervical Cancer in Australia
- Cancer Council welcomes new laws aimed at reversing the crisis of e-cigarette use in young Australians
- Cancer Council welcomes new reforms that will bring Australia’s tobacco control into the 21st century
- Cancer Council welcomes new support for low survival cancers
- Cancer Council welcomes release of National Tobacco Strategy, restoring Australia’s commitment to reduce smoking rates
- Cancer Council welcomes Turnbull commitment to children’s cancer research
- Cancer is on the rise. But is it all bad? Award winning Australian Cancer Atlas doubles down on the digits
- Celebrate 25 years of Australia's Biggest Morning Tea with Cancer Council
- Clinical prostate test guidelines receive GP college endorsement
- Closing the gap in Australia’s second biggest cancer killer
- Concerning new data shows three in four Australian adults are misled by health-related claims on alcohol labels
- Cost of cigarettes biggest motivator for quitting
- Diesel fumes at work cause 130 lung cancer cases every year
- Doctors.com.au partner with Cancer Council on a mission to save lives
- Driving a cultural poo-nomenon: more people bowel screening than ever before
- Drug access recommendations a step in the right direction but more needs to be done, says Cancer Council
- Evidence drives sweeping changes to melanoma treatment recommendations
- Experts call for renewed anti-smoking push as 1.6 million Australian smokers face early death, social costs soar
- Female friendship is more powerful than ever with Cancer Council's Girls' Night In
- Finalised clinical guidelines for prostate test launched today, following NHMRC approval
- Food marketing codes fail to protect children from junk food ads
- From dogs sniffing cancer to alternative therapies Cancer Council bust the myths
- Gather, share and give in support of Aussies affected by cancer
- Global survey highlights actions Australians want on cancer
- Good news and bad news in new skin cancer report
- Good news as national smoking rates decline
- Half a million Australian teenagers sunburnt on summer weekends
- Heart Foundation and Cancer Council call for action on World No Tobacco Day
- How much sun is enough?
- HPV testing picks up cancers missed by Pap tests
- Independent experts back stronger government stance on e-cigarette threat
- Kids’ fast food meals no healthier despite high rates of childhood obesity: new research
- Kids of the 80’s and 90’s failing the Slip Slop Slap-ometer
- Landmark report vindicates Australia’s precautionary approach to e-cigarette policy
- Leading cancer experts recognised for their lifetime contribution
- Leading health groups welcome new recommendations for embedding smoking cessation in healthcare
- Leading health organisations unite behind e-cigarette reforms protecting young Australians
- Limiting alcohol could prevent almost 30,000 cancer cases
- Making the case: Why the Australian health system needs to do more to help smokers quit
- Push for teens to find their feet as daily active travel rates take a step back
- 1000 more teenagers will take up vaping every week, if Parliament delays critical vaping bill
- 10-year anniversary of sunbed ban a stark reminder that no tan is worth dying for
- Australian men urged to reduce their risk of skin cancer with new research showing they are less likely than women to use sun protection
- Cancer Council warns alcohol industry must not call the shots on alcohol advertising
- Cancer Council welcomes landmark national lung cancer screening
- Cancer Council welcomes the first Roadmap to Liver Cancer Control and Clinical Guidelines
- Cancer Council Australia welcomes $10m Australian Government investment in a national skin cancer prevention campaign this National Skin Cancer Action Week
- Australia on track to become the first country in the world to eliminate cervical cancer, but Cancer Council urges that community engagement is key
- Landmark LGBTQI+ cancer resource released in Australia
- Men with a history of melanoma have higher risk of prostate cancer
- New data reveals nine in ten Australians want government action to stop Australia’s escalating e-cigarette crisis
- New research shows more than three times as many cancers are attributable to physical inactivity than previously estimated
- New research shows rates of obesity-related cancers quadrupled in a generation
- An estimated 209,000 people will be living with cancer by the next decade
- Aussie teens who have vaped five times more likely to then try smoking
- Australian teenagers say zero alcohol products are appealing and could act as a gateway to alcohol use
- Australians aged 45 to 49 to benefit from life-saving bowel screening test
Cancer Council Australia welcomes Mark Nevin as new CEO
- Cancer Council Australia welcomes Professor Maxine Morand AM as new Chair
- Cancer Council urges the Australian Government to strengthen Australia’s legacy in cancer control and care this World Cancer Day
- Cancer Council welcomes the passage of the vaping legislation that marks essential progress towards driving down Australia’s vaping rates
- Concerning new data shows almost half of Australians aren’t using adequate sun protection
- MSAC recommendation takes Australia one step closer to a national lung cancer screening program
- New research finds Aussie teens find illegal vapes easy to access
- New research reveals young adults agree that vapes must not be available in retail outlets
- New survey shows most people who vape want to quit, and Bill before Parliament must be supported to end non-therapeutic vape sales
- Public health leaders welcome Diabetes Inquiry push for Australia to tax sugary drinks
- Medical research must include focus on better use of existing technology
- 1 in 6 teenage boys consume at least 52 litres of soft drink each year
- 1 in 6 teens consume over 5kg of sugar per year from sugary drinks
- 200,000 cancers could be avoided over 25 years if Australians get active and maintain a healthy weight
- 2.8 million reasons for Australians to support Daffodil Day
- 2 in 3 Aussie adults still bronzed
- 3.5 million Aussie women driving Australia towards a cervical cancer free future
- 3 in 5 Aussie teens exposed to excess UV
- 4900 Australians will face a head or neck cancer this year
- 5 in 6 Aussie teens not meeting the recommended guidelines for physical activity
- 9 in 10 Australians don't know when they need sun protection
- New cancer data highlights lost opportunities in bowel cancer screening and rising liver cancer toll
- New data shows booze-loving nation still drinking at risky levels
- New data shows life saving cancer screening participation at risk during COVID
- New data shows young unvaccinated women also more likely to miss cervical screening
- New e-cigarette liquid laws will keep Australians safe
- New guidelines for Australia’s ‘national cancer’
- New international research shows Australia leads the world in cancer survival
- New report highlights the $137 billion cost of smoking
- New research: 1.4 million Australians will die of cancer in the next 25 years unless governments intervene now
- New research shows furry friends help support mental health in cancer survivors
- New research shows menthol in tobacco products keeps smokers hooked
- New resources to help people with rare and less common cancers
- New silica resources launched during Safe Work Month
- New standard aims to reduce bill shock for cancer patients
- New study challenges findings used by tobacco and e-cigarette manufacturers to lobby against effective policies
- New study finds alcohol companies trying to fool consumers with ‘better-for-you’ marketing tactics
- Number of Australians living with or beyond cancer to surge 72% by 2040: 1 in 18 Australians will have a personal history of cancer
- Opposition disease prevention plan will save more than 55,000 Australian lives in anti-smoking measures alone
- Opposition’s $40m plan to revive national anti-smoking campaign could save 55,000 lives
- Opposition’s skin cancer prevention campaign would save lives and money
- Over half a million life-saving tests in 3 months – Cancer Council asks, have you missed out?
- Parents right to worry about e-cigarettes and kids, says Cancer Council
- Peak health bodies recommend new approach to sunscreen use
- Power tools and asbestos don’t mix – especially at Christmas
- Promoting bowel cancer screening key to saving lives and driving health system efficiency
- Reducing smoking rates to 10% by 2025 could prevent almost 100,000 lung cancer deaths
- Screening by self-collection a ‘game-changer’ for eliminating cervical cancer in Australia
- Slip, slop, slack leaves Australians red-faced
- Social movement sees acts of kindness for cancer patients
- Sports stars Michael Klim and Brad Hodge team up as new research shows men aren’t protecting themselves in the sun
- Sunscreen use and individual reactions: a message from Cancer Council Australia
- Support the Daffodil Day Appeal and give more than hope this August
- Survey finds worrying increase in popularity of roll-your-own tobacco amongst Australian teens
- Tanning teens still seek the sun
- The DIY-don’ts: renovators and tradies urged to take care around asbestos with Australia recording one of the highest rates in the world
- Tis the sea-sun to slip, slop slap as almost half of Aussies admit to having a suntan
- Tobacco companies use loopholes in legislation to influence cigarette sales: new research
- Flood cleanups pose risk of cancer
- Alarming new data reveals 9 in 10 teens find access to illegal vapes easy.
- Alarming data prompts international expert's calls for stronger policy to protect Australian kids from junk food advertising
- Tradies aren’t protecting against skin cancer despite up to ten times higher UV exposure
- Australians overwhelmingly support action to protect young people from e-cigarettes
- Cancer Council welcomes the national ban on engineered stone coming into effect, safeguarding the lungs of thousands of Australian workers
- New ASSAD data show vaping increasing rapidly and concerning rise in smoking susceptibility among 12-17 year olds
- Cancer Council warns urgent intergovernmental action is essential to stop an “epidemic of e-cigarette use among young people”
- Australians encouraged to get active this World Cancer Day
- Updated guidelines on eligibility for colorectal cancer screening to reduce the impact of bowel cancer
- Updated guidelines prepare health professionals for cervical screening ‘game-changer’
- Tobacco tax will help save 360,000 Australians from a two-in-three risk of early death
- Latest News
- Our spokespeople
- Collins Ikhagbode
- Frances Johnstone
- Rodney Hearne
- Anson Joseph
- Tara Nguyen
- Page Gravenall
- Theodora Vrodos
- Amita Ranjitkar
- Pamela Jape
- Anne Walker
- Partnerships
- Mr Paul Grogan
- Professor David Hill AO
- Professor Ian Olver AM
- Professor Karen Canfell
- Professor Sanchia Aranda AM
- Rebecca Cook
- Ms Rosannah Snelson
- Professor Tanya Buchanan
- Tanya Izod
- Associate Professor Freddy Sitas
- Gillian Batt
- Professor Phil Carson
- Susan Palmer
- Dr Patricia Lowe
- Professor Ray Lowenthal
- Matt Skoss
- Professor Tom Reeve AC CBE
- Dr Emma Croager
- Amanda Hart
- Dr Ranjana Srivastava
- Vanessa Rock
- Todd Harper
- Professor Peter Soyer
- Associate Professor Prue Cormie
- Luke Atkin
- Dr Lennert Veerman
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- World Cancer Day 2025