SunSmart schools and early childhood program
Cancer Council Tasmania

Overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation in childhood and adolescence greatly increases the chances of developing skin cancer later in life. Melanoma is one of the most common cancer in young Australians aged 15 – 29 years.
The free SunSmart Program aims to minimise overexposure to UV from the sun by providing schools and early childhood services with a SunSmart policy, resources, and education. Schools and early childhood services, in partnership with families and their communities, can play an important role in reducing skin cancer. These environments can influence sun protection practices by creating SunSmart environments and guiding behaviours through education and role modelling.
All schools and early childhood services in Tasmania are required to implement a sun protection policy. Schools have a duty of care to minimise students’ exposure to the sun and provide an environment that encourages sun protection behaviours.
Each school or service is responsible for executing its own policy within the service. Cancer Council Tasmania requires SunSmart schools and services to review their policy every 3 years to maintain their SunSmart membership. Specific program information and sample policies can be found below.
SunSmart Professional Development Workshops
Cancer Council Tasmania offers capacity building sessions for school health nurses, WH&S officers and school teaching staff across the state. To find out more please complete the expression of interest below and our cancer prevention team will be in touch.
SunSmart early childhood program
The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority requires all early childhood services to have a sun protection policy.
The SunSmart sample policy for Early Childhood Program Services can be found here. The policy can be used in its entirety or adapted to meet the context of the service.
Contact us today to develop or renew your SunSmart policy
SunSmart schools program
All schools in Tasmania are required to implement a sun protection policy.
The SunSmart Schools Program sample policy can be found here. This policy can be used in its entirety or modified to meet the context of the school.
Contact us today to develop or renew your SunSmart policy
Secondary school UV program
Cancer Council Tasmania is aware of the challenges to implementing a SunSmart policy in secondary schools, therefore, has developed a UV policy that is structured differently to the SunSmart policy. The UV policy allows schools to work towards the ‘gold standard’ SunSmart policy and still have a Sunsmart membership. The UV policy focuses on harm minimisation and building SunSmart strategies over time.
The Secondary Schools UV sample policy can be found here. It can be used in its entirety or modified to meet the context of the school. Our cancer prevention team are happy to meet with the school leadership team to help build a new policy or discuss ways to overcome the unique challenges that may be faced when implementing a policy in the secondary school setting.
Contact us today to develop or renew your SunSmart policy