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Wording for your will

Through your will, you have the power to help us create a cancer free future and save lives. After family and friends, please consider Cancer Council in your will. Your gift, no matter how large or small, will make a difference.
Further information and advice on the wording of bequests is available here, or contact the Wills and Bequests Officer in your state or territory Cancer Council with the details provided below.
What wording should I use?
Please make sure you include the correct wording below.
Cancer Council Australia
Cancer Council Australia routinely forwards gifts in wills to the Cancer Council in your state or territory across Australia (ie. the state or territory you reside in). We do this to ensure your gift has the greatest impact in your community. The wording below will allow Cancer Council Australia to respond to changes in knowledge, practice or treatments for many years to come.
Most of our supporters have chosen to include a gift for general purposes, if you wish to specify a specific purpose we would ask that you get in contact to allow us to honour your wishes effectively; we would ask you give us a call for a confidential chat.
Wording for your will
'I (insert name here) bequeath to The Cancer Council Australia ABN 91130 79 3 725 for its general purposes
[Choose and insert the appropriate statement from the list below]
the whole of my estate
(insert number) percentage of my estate
the residue of my estate
the amount of $ (insert the value of your gift in cash)
my (insert name of asset)
free of all duties, and the receipt of the Secretary or other authorised officer for the time being shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the Executor(s).'
Contact Cancer Council Australia
Tel: (02) 8256 4100
Cancer Council ACT
Cancer Council NSW
Cancer Council NT
Leaving a gift in your will is a simple process that could make a real difference.
If you do not have a will and wish to create one, it is a good idea to get legal advice. If you don't have a solicitor you can contact The Public Trustee Wills and Bequests Officer to inform them of your intention to leave a bequest in your will.
A simple way to leave a bequest is to include a residuary gift. This means that a percentage or the remainder of your estate can be left to Cancer Council Northern Territory after you have taken care of your family and other beneficiaries.
To include Cancer Council Northern Territory in your will we suggest that you use the following wording (subject to legal advice):
“I bequeath to The Cancer Council of the NT (ABN 78 039 911 732) for its general purposes (the residue of my estate) or (a specified sum) or (specified items) free of all duties, and the receipt of the Secretary or other authorised officer for the time being shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the executor(s).”
For more information contact Cancer Council NT by emailing:
Cancer Council NT (information for your solicitor)
- ACN 039 911 732
- ABN 78 039 911 732
- Unit 2/25 Vanderlin Drive, Wanguri 0810
- Incorporated as a Public Company limited by guarantee under the Corporations Act (2001) (Cth)
- Endorsed by the Australian Government as a Health Promotion Charity
- Endorsed as an income tax exempt charitable entity
- Endorsed as a deductible gift recipient
- Endorsed for GST concessions
- (Endorsements are entered on the public register maintained by the Australian Business Registrar at
Contact Cancer Council NT
Tel: (08) 8944 1800
Cancer Council QLD
Here is the information you should provide to a solicitor if you wish to include a gift in your Will to Cancer Council Queensland. Suggested wording to include a gift in your Will to Cancer Council Queensland (ABN 48 321 126 727) is as follows. Please select the wording that best reflects the kind of gift you wish to give.
A residual gift
‘I give, devise and bequeath… (insert either ‘all of my residuary Estate’ or ‘the fraction or percentage of your residuary Estate that you would like to give’) to Cancer Council Queensland presently of 553 Gregory Terrace Fortitude Valley, Queensland to be applied for… (insert either ‘its general charitable purposes’ or the specific purpose that you would like the gift to be used for).’
A specific or monetary gift
‘I give and bequeath… (insert particulars of the specific item being given or the sum of money being given) to Cancer Council Queensland presently of 553 Gregory Terrace Fortitude Valley, Queensland to be applied for… (insert either ‘its general charitable purposes’ or the specific purpose that you would like the gift to be used for).’
Irrespective of whether you make a specific or monetary gift or a residuary gift, after you make the gift in your Will, you should also include in your Will the following declaration – ‘In relation to that gift, I declare that a general charitable intent applies, a receipt signed by a person authorised by Cancer Council Queensland shall constitute a full and sufficient discharge to my Executors and my Executors are not obliged to see or enquire into the application of the subject matter of the gift made by me’.
Contact Cancer Council Queensland
Tel: (07) 3634 5190
For more information:
Cancer Council SA
Your gift to future generations.
When you leave a gift in your Will to Cancer Council SA, you are helping to bring a cancer free future closer. Thank you for considering this amazing legacy today.
Of course, your decisions about what happens to your worldly goods are yours and yours alone. But it’s worth considering when you next sit down to write or change your Will, all the people you love who have been affected by cancer, either directly or indirectly. For many of us, cancer has taken far too much.
Gifts in Wills play a fundamental role in the successes that Cancer Council SA has been able to achieve in reducing cancer deaths and supporting people with cancer.
These generous contributions are vital for Cancer Council SA’s work across the whole cancer journey, from world-class research to information, support and prevention programs.
A gift in your Will makes a lasting impact for generations to come.
"Leave a gift in your Will today for a cancer free tomorrow."
Contact Cancer Council SA
Tel: (08) 8291 4305
Cancer Council Tasmania
The following wordings are provided only as guidance for donors to consider when making a gift under their Will to the trustee for Cancer Council of Tasmania Inc, which operates under the business name of Cancer Council Tasmania.
For a gift for an unspecified purpose
“I give to the trustee for the time being of Cancer Council of Tasmania Inc the sum of $……./or……..% of the balance of my estate to be used for its general purposes. The receipt of the Cancer Council will be sufficient discharge to my Executor/Trustee and I declare that my Executor/Trustee shall not be responsible for seeing to the application of that gift”.
For a gift for an intended purpose
“I give to the trustee for the time being of Cancer Council of Tasmania Inc the sum of $………/or……..% of the balance of my estate and it is my wish (without imposing any legal obligation whatsoever) that the gift be used for the purpose of (name intended purpose e.g. research, prevention or support services). The receipt of the Cancer Council will be sufficient discharge to my Executor/Trustee and I declare that my Executor/Trustee shall not be responsible for seeing to the application of that gift”.
For a specific purpose
“I give to the trustee for the time being of Cancer Council of Tasmania Inc the sum of $………/or……..% of the balance of my estate for the purpose of (name specific purpose e.g. research, prevention or support services). The receipt of the Cancer Council will be sufficient discharge to my Executor/Trustee and I declare that my Executor/Trustee shall not be responsible for seeing to the application of that gift”.
For a gift for research activities
“I give to the trustee for the time being of Cancer Council of Tasmania Inc the sum of $………/or……..% of the balance of my estate for the purpose of research activities in keeping with the objectives of the Cancer Council. The receipt of the Cancer Council will be sufficient discharge to my Executor/Trustee and I declare that my Executor/Trustee shall not be responsible for seeing to the application of that gift”.
For a gift to be held in Trust for a Life Beneficiary with remainder (or part thereof) to Cancer Council Tasmania
“I give (insert amount or details) to my Executor upon trust to pay the income therefrom to (name of beneficiary) during his or her lifetime and upon said death of the said (name of beneficiary) to pay the capital to the trustee for the time being of Cancer Council of Tasmania Inc for its general purposes. The receipt of the Cancer Council will be sufficient discharge to my Executor/Trustee and I declare that my Executor/Trustee shall not be responsible for seeing to the application of that gift”.
Cancer Council Tasmania (information for your solicitor)
Cancer Council of Tasmania Inc.
15 Princes Street, Sandy Bay TAS 7005
PO Box 147, Sandy Bay 7006
Key Contact:
- ABN: 27685250740
- Registered as a charity in Tasmania
- A public benevolent institution
- Endorsed as an income tax exempt charitable entity
- Endorsed as a deductible gift recipient
- Endorsed for GST concessions
Depending on the type of bequest, you may need to amend these words. You should discuss this with your solicitor.
Contact Cancer Council Tasmania
Tel: 1300 65 65 85
Cancer Council Victoria
Contact Cancer Council Victoria
Tel: (03) 9514 6828
For more information:
Cancer Council WA
Contact Cancer Council WA
Tel: (08) 9212 4333
For more information: