Corporate partnerships
Work with Cancer Council

The chances are, we all know someone affected by cancer.
Cancer affects a large number of Australians, both directly and indirectly. One in 2 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 851. An estimated 150,000 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed this year. That's more than 300 Australians of all ages diagnosed each day, and sadly around 100 Australians that will die of cancer - today.
In Australia today, there are more than 1.1 million people either living with cancer or who've survived a diagnosis. It's a disease that doesn't rest, and for that very reason, neither do we.
There is some good news. The survival rate for many common cancers has increased by 30% in the past two decades. And we know that 1 in 3 cancers are preventable2. You can learn more about how we're working towards a cancer free future here.
You can take a leadership role and show that your organisation is committed to help work towards a cancer free future through a partnership with Cancer Council.
Cancer Council is leading the way in reducing the impact of cancer in Australia. By working with us, you can help bring us closer to a cancer free future and share the benefits of Cancer Council's hard work and strong reputation.
Why work with us?
Cancer Council offers a positive work culture and actively encourages diversity. Some of the benefits from working with us are that we are:
- We have an office in every state and territory in Australia, and we connect with all Australians through prevention messaging, support services and participating in our fundraising events.
Well recognised
- We are the most recognised cancer charity in Australia.
- We are the largest independent funder of cancer research in Australia,
- We have strong affiliations within Australia including with: patient advocacy groups, our clinical partner (Clinical Oncological Society of Australia), leading collaboration with public health NGOs (eg. Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance); and
- We are members of various international alliances, including being an active member of the Union for International Cancer Control.
- We have experience in Global Reporting Initiative and London Benchmarking Group reporting for corporate social responsibility and sustainability reporting requirements.
Partnering for good
A corporate partnership with Cancer Council is created to meet your corporate social responsibility (CSR) and marketing objectives, as well as our fundraising and mission delivery objectives, to achieve a truly mutually beneficial relationship. It is about partnering for good and creating value driven partnerships.
What we do
We work across all cancers - from breast cancer to brain cancer, prostate cancer to pancreatic cancer. We also work across all stages of the cancer journey - from prevention through to support services, as well as our significant investment in cancer research.
How your support helps
We are Australia's leading cancer charity. Your support helps us to achieve our goal of a cancer free future. From being able to take calls on Cancer Council 13 11 20, through to funding clinical trials of new and improved cancer treatments.
Benefits for your business
There are a range of ways we can work together to design partnerships that work for you and for us, once your CSR objectives are defined.
Cause related marketing
Cause related marketing campaigns contribute a portion of sales to Cancer Council.
These campaigns can be instrumental in enhancing your brand, stimulating sales and market share. It also publicly demonstrates your organisation's commitment to helping reduce the impact of cancer in the Australian community.
A company's association with a cause is increasingly influencing consumer's purchasing decisions:
- 55% of men and 75% of women prefer to purchase a brand that supports a charity
- 76% of consumers are in favour of supporting medical research, such as cancer
- 24% of Australians have indeed switched brands in the past year due to that brand's support for a cause/charity.
A cause-related marketing campaign with your organisation may align your products, services or organisations brand with one of Cancer Council's programs or services or the much loved community fundraising events (such as Australia's Biggest Morning Tea, or Daffodil Day). We can work with you to determine the right fit.
In kind support
Providing goods or services to Cancer Council at no charge enables us to direct an even greater percentage of funds raised to support our research, support and prevention programs.
Cancer Council also offers partners opportunities to donate goods or services for use as featured prizes to help Cancer Council in its fundraising.
To become a corporate supporter, please email the National Corporate Partnerships team
Find out more on how you can partner with Cancer Council in your state or territory
Your organisation and employees can be actively involved in the campaign against cancer.
Looking for information on Workplace Giving?
Enabling your employees to give directly to Cancer Council through automated payroll deductions is one of the easiest, and most cost-effective ways to support Cancer Council. By simply providing the option for your staff to donate via a payroll giving platform you can demonstrate your corporate social responsibility values. Find out more about workplace giving here.
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australian cancer database 2007, accessed January 2012.
Explore other ways to get involved with Cancer Council
Together we're getting closer to a cancer free future