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Cancer Council NT eNews - September 2014



CEO Update

Welcome to another eNews. I am sitting at my desk with a happy glow but a little worse for wear after our Darwin Relay for Life last weekend. Darwin Relay is the only overnighter of all our Relays and the largest event in the NT. It was a well attended event where we as a community were able to Celebrate, Remember and Fight back against cancer and raise much needed funds to keep our services in the Territory. Although the event was successful on many levels we failed to reach our financial target and are looking at a significant shortfall in funds raised this year. I urge all supporters to continue their fundraising and for those supporters that haven’t yet committed their donations to this appeal to do so. In an environment where demands are increasing and costs are escalating, Cancer Council NT can’t afford to lose momentum on these critical fundraising activities.

Cancer information, support and advocacy work that Cancer Council NT undertake continues to be well regarded by those we seek to influence and continues to be demanded by Territorians. The agreement of Federal and Territory Governments to work together to deliver at least four chemotherapy chairs and the supporting infrastructure and staff in Katherine has been the result of long and direct campaigning. Cancer Council NT was part of the voluntary working group created to strategize and deliver on this project. The creation of this Action Group allowed key community groups and individuals to create the visibility and strength that had to be listened to and the resulting millions of dollars in cancer treatment is a testament to the power of community action.

Cancer Council NT is working actively to provide people with relevant information that will help them navigate and make decision about their cancer journey. Our public Cancer Forums that we initiated last year proved very successful and we are supplementing this year with smaller Cancer Information sessions that will be made available to community groups as well as public sessions where there is a need and a plan.

As the only cancer support organisation in the Territory that cover all cancer types we are constantly reviewing our services and addressing new and growing needs. The landmass that we cover and the unique elements of our lifestyle make our work critical to the well being of all Territorians. The recognition of our voice speaking on behalf of the thousands of Territorians impacted by cancer relies on your support and acknowledgement of our work. I would like to thank all of our e-news readers for their support and encourage you to consider how you can work with us to reduce the impact of cancer on Territorians, which remains our guiding mission.

Kind regards,
Kathy Sadler

Cancer Council NT eNews - September 2014