Cancer Council NT eNews - June 2016
1 June 2016
CEO Update
Hello, welcome again to eNews. This format is over a year old now and I am pleased to say it is working really well. Distributing eNews electronically enables us to effectively and efficiently reach a wider audience as well as include detailed content and interesting links.
Effectiveness and Efficiency are the two key words we use to measure the success of our activities. Cancer Council NT is a small organisation utilising mainly donated funds, so everything we do needs to pass the test of being really worthwhile to people and communities impacted by cancer. We know people need information about their cancer type; we know people need assistance with personal and financial issues during their cancer journey; and we know our community needs encouragement and policies that reduce cancer risks. Being the only locally based community organisation in the NT that deals with the challenges of cancer, our work must be as cost effective as possible, while also addressing the broad range of cancer related issues that our community faces. Having locally based staff in Alice Springs, Katherine and Darwin enables us to be a part of the community fabric. Being a part of the community means we can partner with other local organisation and share resources. This approach enables us to reduce costs while delivering cancer support and awareness services at a local level.
Already this year we have delivered cancer forums, yoga programs, continued our local support groups, undertaken face to face nurse counselling with many, fitted wigs, linked people with other services in our community, celebrated cancer successes and grieved with families experiencing loss from this disease. Our services continue to be responsive to community needs and driven by our supporters and our Board.
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea has been celebrated through May and June. Hundreds of businesses and individuals showed their support by the simple act of sharing food and taking time to enjoy each other’s company. The Greek Community lead by Irene Melios celebrated 20 years of ABMT in style with their biggest event ever. Long time supporters and new friends have made significant contributions to our work through these activities. On behalf of Cancer Council NT and all the people that receive cancer services through us, thank you all very, very much!
Cancer Council NT is looking forward to another year of service to Territorians. With your help we will continue to grow and face the challenges of cancer within our community.
Kathy Sadler
CEO, Cancer Council NT