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About Us

Dr Emma Croager

Chair of Cancer Council's Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Committee

Dr Emma Croager is Education Services Manager at the Cancer Council Western Australia. She manages a state-wide network of Health Promotion Officers responsible for delivering cancer prevention and early detection programs to regional WA, as well as a team responsible for the publication and dissemination of cancer information.

Emma leads the Cancer Council WA's Aboriginal Cancer education program, assists in coordinating the Cancer Council WA Research Program and is a member of a number of local and national committees including Chair of Cancer Council Australia's CALD Committee, Vice President of the Public Health Association of Australia WA Branch Committee, and member of the Cancer Council Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee.

Emma has a PhD in Biochemistry and worked for a number of years in cancer research before moving to the UK and a career change at Cancer Research UK. Since returning to Perth she has worked for Cancer Council WA for the last 6 years, completed the Heathway Leadership Development in Health Promotion Program and an MBA from La Trobe University.