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5-year Roadmap for Optimising Screening in Australia — Breast

Investigating risk-based breast cancer screening in Australia



Building on the project’s recommendations and the earlier roadmap, the 5-year ROSA Breast Roadmap outlines a program of longer-term activities to ‘think big’ and ensure any transition to risk-based breast cancer screening in Australia is evidence-based and the benefits, harms and costs are understood. Roadmap activities may include:

  • The design and implementation of a risk-based breast screening trial, within a coordinated trial program, subject to emerging evidence.
  • Development and validation of pathways to routine breast cancer risk and breast density assessment and advice within BreastScreen.
  • Clinical studies to evaluate breast screening technologies in the Australian setting, including resourcing, workforce capacity and training, and data storage and transmission requirements.
  • Activities to strengthen involvement, leadership and coordination of the people and organisations who can best support risk-based breast screening.
  • The development of strategies to plan resourcing and workforce capacity.
  • Increased stakeholder engagement and external communications.

Pillars to support Roadmap implementation

Development of the updated ROSA Breast Roadmap was organised under five ‘pillars’ (figure below) identified by the project team and its expert advisers as key topics for framing issues and opportunities to guide work towards risk-based breast cancer screening. These pillars provide a framework for implementation of the Roadmap, where each pillar would be guided by steering groups comprising representatives from health services within and outside BSA, academic research, federal and state/territory government, and consumers and consumer organisations.

The 2023-2027 ROSA Roadmap in summary, aligning with five 'pillars' as shown.

These pillars would then capture independent and interactive areas for ongoing collection of evidence, landscape analyses, stakeholder engagement and informing the incremental steps towards development of policy and practice in risk-based breast cancer screening.

This framework would harness the best evidence, resources and people available to help Australia achieve a world-leading, evidence-based approach to risk-based breast cancer screening with the aim to reduce the burden of breast cancer in Australia.

The 5-year Roadmap is included in the ROSA Summary document.

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