About Us
Anita Dessaix
Chair, Public Health Committee, Cancer Council Australia

Anita is Chair of Cancer Council Australia's Public Health Committee and Director of Cancer Prevention and Advocacy at Cancer Council NSW.
She has more than 15 years' experience within the NSW public health sector, including 12 years' experience in cancer prevention specifically. As well as working as a private consultant, she has previously held senior management positions in public health organisations including the Cancer Institute NSW and the NSW Ministry of Health, where she gained specific expertise in tobacco control and skin cancer prevention.
Within her current role at Cancer Council NSW, Anita is responsible for leading strategy and program efforts in the two Cancer Council NSW focus areas of Prevention and Advocacy. The Division's focus is on reducing the burden of cancer and reducing cancer risk across NSW communities, through targeted programs, policy, advocacy and retail stores.
As Chair of Cancer Council Australia's Public Health Committee, Anita is a leading advocate for cancer prevention, particularly in a policy context. Topics she can discuss include cancer risk in relation to tobacco control, sun protection, nutrition and physical activity, alcohol and obesity. Anita holds a Master of Arts in Communication Management from the University of Technology, Sydney and a Master of Public Health from The University of Sydney.
For media interviews with Anita, contact the Cancer Council Australia media team on (02) 8256 4109 (our media hotline is available inside and outside of business hours) or email media@cancer.org.au.