SunSmart in schools and early childhood

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation damage accumulated during childhood and adolescence is strongly associated with an increased risk of skin cancer later in life. Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, with two in three Australians developing some form of skin cancer in their lifetime. Skin cancer is one of the most preventable cancers.
Children and adolescents are in school or in care when daily ultraviolet (UV) radiation levels are at their peak, meaning schools and services are uniquely placed to educate about sun protection behaviour, minimise UVR exposure and ultimately reduce the future risk of skin cancer.
Overexposure to UV during adulthood also increases the risk of skin cancer. It is important that all teachers and staff are aware of their own occupational UV exposure and protect themselves by using a combination of sun protection measures (hats, covering clothing, sunscreen, shade and sunglasses) when UV levels reach 3 and above.
National SunSmart Schools and Services Programs
All Australian primary schools and early childhood education and care services (ECEC) across Australia are encouraged to join the national SunSmart programs. SunSmart membership assists schools and services to meet their duty of care requirements in sun protection and occupational health and safety (OHS) obligations in UV risk reduction for staff.
Cancer Council launched the SunSmart Schools program in 1994, and the SunSmart Services program by 2009 and now extends to all Australian states and territories. Membership is offered to all primary schools, education and care (ECEC) and out of school hours care (OSHC) services nationwide.
In order to receive SunSmart status and recognition, primary schools and services should:
- implement an evidence-informed sun protection policy meeting minimum standards relating to sun protective behaviours, environment and curriculum
- teach, model and reinforce positive sun protection behaviour
- where possible, reschedule or minimise outdoor activities in direct sun during peak UV periods
- agree to complete regular policy reviews with the relevant state or territory Cancer Council to ensure policy meets current guidelines and recommendations.
Secondary schools and colleges
All Australian secondary school communities are encouraged to develop and implement a sun protection policy or plan that aims to reduce UV exposure and minimise the long-term risk of skin damage among students and workers.
Your state or territory Cancer Council may be able to assist your school or service with policy development, recommendations and resources. To contact your state or territory Cancer Council call Cancer Council 13 11 20 or click on the map below.