8 October 2021

As a local Tasmanian, I love sharing amazing moments of travelling across Tasmania with my friends and family through social media. She is also looking forward to representing Tasmania at the Miss World Australia Finals this December.
In 2021 it is estimated that more than 20,000 Australian women will be diagnosed with a breast or gynaecological cancer. This motivated me to host my very own Girls’ Night In and be the ambassador.
Kimmi has already hosted her very own Girls' Night In. She said "It's a really great chance for women to not only get together and raise money for the Cancer Council Tasmania, but to have that conversation with friends and family about health and being breast aware.”
Kimmi, like many Tasmanian’s has had family members impacted by cancer. She said “We all have a mum or sister or friend who has been impacted. I, myself, have members in my family and extended family who have breast cancer.”
So it’s not too late to get the girls together to raise vital funds for women’s cancers this October or November.
You can register for Girls’ Night In at or call 03 61691900 if you would like assistance with registering.