Support Services
Tasmanian Cancer support and information centres

Cancer Council Tasmania provides a range of supportive care services for people diagnosed with cancer and their loved ones. Our supportive care team are available to talk on the phone or welcome you to our Cancer Support Centres in Hobart, Launceston and Devonport at any time during opening hours – no appointment is necessary.
We provide information, practical help such as financial assistance and wig service, complementary therapies, cancer support groups and individual support and all our services are free for people living in Tasmania who are impacted by cancer.
To find out more, please call us, fill out our online enquiries form or visit your local centre.
Health Professionals can find additional information and make a referral HERE.

Claire Prior
Director Supportive Care

Southern Co-ordinator

North and North-West Co-ordinator

Supportive Care Worker, North

Supportive Care Worker, North-West

Supportive Care Worker, South

Supportive Care Worker, South

Supportive Care Worker, South

Supportive Care Worker, North-West

Supportive Care Worker, North
Regional Supportive Care in Tasmania
Cancer Council Tasmania have been successful in securing grant funding to offer additional supportive care services opportunities in regional Tasmania. From January 2025 until June 2026, a range of new options are available including complementary therapies such as massage, yoga, Pilates and reflexology along with workshops and support groups. We are also offering travel assistance to and from supportive care. Our ‘What’s on’ calendar will be updated monthly as new programs are added, plus there are plenty more one-on-one services available. Get in touch to find out more.
Complementary Therapy Programs
Complementary therapies focus on the whole person, not just the cancer. They are used alongside conventional medicine and can help people cope better with symptoms of cancer and/or side effects caused by clinical treatments.
The complementary therapy programs offered at Cancer Council Tasmania are evidence-based and approved by our Clinical Advisory Group, made up of health and oncology professionals, to ensure they are safe and, high quality and run by qualified facilitators.
All of our programs are free and funded through grants and the generosity of the Tasmanian community who donate to Cancer Council Tasmania.
We provide complementary therapy programs that have been shown to be effective in scientific studies, such as mindfulness, yoga and oncology massage. These activities are an important part of supportive care and provide a range of mental and physical health benefits. Research shows these activities can help reduce stress and anxiety and improve quality of life for people affected by cancer.
Our programs are offered in-person and online, to allow our clients to find an option that best suits your circumstances. Registrations are essential for all complementary therapy programs.
The following complementary therapy programs are offered on a regular basis:
What are the benefits of mindfulness?
Mindfulness has been clinically proven to reduce stress and anxiety. It can assist people impacted by cancer to improve their coping skill and quality of life
“This program has been gentle and a reminder to be kind to yourself and others. And to stop and remember to breathe, it’s that simple” class participant
“I was having a really rough times before I came to this class and now I feel like a different person – less uptight, more relaxed and feeling more confident that I can to this at home myself and have some easy things I can do to help myself feel at ease again.” Class participant
Eligibility Criteria
Tasmanians who are diagnosed with or recovering from cancer or accessing palliative care services are eligible for our complementary therapy programs. Immediate carers may be eligible to access some programs depending on suitability and availability.
Mindfulness classes are available in-person and online throughout the year. Please call 1300 65 65 85 for details of upcoming programs.
What are the benefits of yoga?
Yoga reduces anxiety and stress, it improves general wellbeing and quality of life. Our classes are very gentle style of yoga and tailored to the needs of participants.
“I particularly enjoy the Nidra part of our yoga sessions. Sometimes I forget to take the time out to listen & heal myself from the inside-out. These sessions have been an integral part of my recovery from cancer”
“Thank you Cancer Council for organizing and paying for the program when I was sick & unemployed. It was a wonderful gift. Being able to do exercises specific for cancer recovery was very good because I didn't feel useless & alone with this disease. The program gave me a spark of motivation. I was able to perform these exercise outside of the yoga class.”
Eligibility Criteria
Tasmanians who are diagnosed with or recovering from cancer or accessing palliative care services are eligible for our complementary therapy programs. Immediate carers may be eligible to access some programs depending on suitability and availability.
Yoga classes are available in-person and online throughout the year. Please call 1300 65 65 85 for details of upcoming programs.
Tai Chi
What are the benefits of Tai Chi?
Tai Chi combines gentle movement, deep breathing techniques and meditation. The practise encourages the attention of the whole self, body, mind and heart.
Eligibility Criteria
Tasmanians who are diagnosed with or recovering from cancer or accessing palliative care services are eligible for our complementary therapy programs. Immediate carers may be eligible to access some programs depending on suitability and availability.
“It forced me to relax at least once a week. It was nice to meet other people with or connected with cancer”
Tai chi classes are available in-person and online throughout the year. Please call 1300 65 65 85 for details of upcoming programs.
What are the benefits of Pilates?
There is strong evidence for Pilates improving exercise tolerance and moderate evidence for improving symptoms, muscle strength and health-related quality of life in people impacted by cancer.
Eligibility Criteria
Tasmanians who are diagnosed with or recovering from cancer or accessing palliative care services are eligible for our complementary therapy programs. Immediate carers may be eligible to access some programs depending on suitability and availability.
Pilates classes are available in-person and online throughout the year. Please call 1300 65 65 85 for details of upcoming programs.
Oncology Massage
What are the benefits of Oncology Massage?
Oncology massage is a gentle massage technique designed specifically for people with cancer. Massage can improve quality of life by reducing anxiety, depression, pain and nausea. It can also provide relaxation and help promote good sleep.
Eligibility Criteria
Tasmanians who are diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatment or recently finished treatment or accessing palliative care services are eligible for our oncology massage program.
Oncology massage is offered on a regular basis in the south, north and north-west regions. Please call 1300 65 65 85 to enquire about booking an oncology massage.
Exercise Physiology
What are the benefits of Exercise Physiology?
Our exercise physiology program consists of an individual assessment with a qualified exercise physiologist, followed by a course of group exercise sessions. Research shows that exercise benefits most people with cancer during and after treatment. The benefits are extensive and include improved mobility, balance, strength, circulation and physical function, maintenance of a healthy weight, increased energy and reduced stress and anxiety.
Eligibility Criteria
Tasmanians who are diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatment or recently finished treatment are eligible for our exercise physiology program.
Exercise physiology currently runs in the north and south at various times throughout the year. Please call 1300 65 65 85 for details of upcoming programs.
Please call 1300 65 65 85 or make an enquiry on our online form. See our 'What's on' each month for details.
Group Activity Programs
Cancer Council Tasmania runs a variety of group programs which allow people impacted by cancer to come together and support one another in an informal setting while participating in a shared activity. Registration for our programs is essential. We currently offer the following group activity programs.
Walking group
What are the benefits of our walking group?
Our walking group provides gentle exercise and social connections for anyone diagnosed with cancer and their loved ones. Exercise and friendship are important aspects of maintaining good health and wellbeing.
Eligibility Criteria
We welcome people diagnosed with cancer, undergoing treatment or in survivorship as well as carers or other support people.
Walking groups run on a regular basis in Hobart and Launceston. Please call 1300 65 65 85 for more information and to join your local group.
Art/craft group
What are the benefits of Art/Craft groups?
Our art and craft groups offer social contact and the opportunity to build friendships with others impacted by cancer. With a focus on simple activities and craft, these groups allow clients to come together for conversation, creativity and connection.
Eligibility Criteria
We welcome people diagnosed with cancer, undergoing treatment or in survivorship as well as carers or other support people.
Art and graft groups are offered on a regular basis in Hobart and Launceston (not Devonport). See our 'What's on' each month for details.
Workshops & Webinars
What are the benefits of our workshops & webinars?
We offer workshops and webinars on a variety of topics related to dealing with a cancer diagnosis. Examples include nutrition, survivorship and wellbeing. These sessions include information presented by supportive care staff and guest speakers as well as tasters of complementary therapy programs.
Eligibility Criteria
Workshops and webinars are open to people diagnosed with cancer and their carers. Some sessions are also accessible for health professionals and interested community members.
Workshops and webinars are offered throughout the year. Please call 1300 65 65 85 to enquire about upcoming sessions.
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