About Us
Ms Jane Martin
Executive Manager, Food for Health Alliance (FHA) and Alcohol and Obesity Programs at Cancer Council Victoria

Jane Martin BA, MPH, Hon Doc (Deakin) is Executive Manager of Food for Health Alliance (FHA), and Alcohol and Obesity Programs, Cancer Council Victoria.
Jane’s substantive role is to lead the Food for Health Alliance, a partnership between Cancer Council Victoria, VicHealth, and the Global Centre for Preventive Health and Nutrition (GLOBE) at Deakin University, a WHO Collaborating Centre for Obesity Prevention. Food for Health Alliance is a leading policy and advocacy voice working to improve diets and prevent overweight and obesity in Australia, particularly for children. It advocates to governments to improve food environments – the way food is made, labelled, sold and advertised.
For more than thirty years, Jane has worked in public health advocacy, engaging in tobacco control, alcohol policy and obesity prevention. Her interests lie in research, knowledge translation and partnerships to support reform. She is active in the media as a commentator and advises state and federal governments on obesity policy. She collaborates on research grants and authors academic papers, blogs and opinion pieces.
Jane was awarded a Deakin Honorary Doctorate for her contribution to public health advocacy in 2018 and the Public Health Association’s President’s Award in 2019. She is co-chair of the National Alliance for Action on Alcohol, President of the Australia and New Zealand Obesity Society and a Churchill Fellow.