How we help
Unlocking the answers to a cancer free future

Cancer Council is a respected global leader in funding and conducting cancer research, and has made key contributions to progress in cancer prevention, treatment, and support.
Our investment extends across all cancers, and all stages of the cancer journey - because we believe that’s how we can make the biggest difference.
Our supporters have helped us become the largest non-government funder of cancer research in the country, investing almost $250 million in Australian cancer research over the past five years alone.
We are the largest non-government funder of cancer research in Australia.
But best of all, our commitment to research is paying off – in dramatic changes to the cancer landscape and the lives of people affected by cancer.
Because of research:
- More people are surviving cancer
- More Australians are taking action to prevent it
- A constant stream of new discoveries is providing hope – and more time with loved ones
- Australians are getting more support to help deal with cancer
- And brilliant Australian researchers are on their way to unlocking more of cancer’s secrets.
Investment in research by organisations like Cancer Council has helped increase survival rates from 49% in the 1980s to 69% today.
The exciting breakthroughs and discoveries made by Cancer Council funded researchers are all thanks to the generosity of our supporters.
Without the compassion and donations of people like you, Cancer Council simply couldn’t fund so much vital research.
But with you, we can and will find more ways to prevent, understand, treat and support those affected by cancer.
With your help, we're getting closer to a cancer free future every minute, every hour, every day.
Professor Joanne AitkenWe have the talent, the ideas and the technology, and with the continued support of Cancer Council donors we will reach a cancer free future."
Head of Research, Cancer Council Queensland
We never forget our responsibility – to those who support us and those who need us – to make the most difference with every dollar invested.
That’s why the selection process for Cancer Council research grants is rigorous, transparent and highly competitive.
From among the thousands of projects we could fund, expert panels choose those which:
- Have the most innovative ideas with the greatest potential promise to make the biggest difference.
- Come from research teams with the best chance of success both now and in the future.
- Are likely to significantly reduce the impact of cancer in one or more of the following aspects: prevention, diagnosis, treatment and support.
Every research dollar goes to Australia's brightest cancer research minds to turn their ideas into reality and bring us closer to a cancer free future, faster.
We contributed
$51.7 million
together with our research partners
towards world-class cancer research in 2021.
What we funded:
Our research spend:
Spend by cancer type:
(1) Ovarian and cervical. (2) Bladder, kidney and prostate (3) includes cancer of unknown primary, invasive tumours, hematologic malignancies and myelodysplastic syndrome.