Trusted resources
Additional sources of cancer information

You are about to leave Cancer Council Australia's website to visit other sites. While we only link to sites we believe offer credible, evidence-based information, we cannot guarantee this information is correct or up-to-date.
There is a huge volume of cancer information on the Internet, some of which may be outdated, misleading or inaccurate.
If you have any questions or concerns about information you find in another website, please call Cancer Council 13 11 20, or talk to your doctor.
- General cancer information and news sites
- Cancer research/treatment
- Particular cancer types or cancer-related issues
- Patient support and advocacy
General cancer information and news sites
- ABC Health Matters - Library of stories on cancer aired on ABC Health Matters.
- Advanced Care Planning Australia – Helps prepare people for a time when they may not be able to communicate decisions for their health care.
- American Cancer Society - Statistics, information about prevention and treatment, and services.
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare - Cancer in Australia 2008 is the latest report of national cancer incidence and mortality figures, providing data for cancers by site, age and sex, and summary data for each state and territory.
- Cancer Dictionary - A 'dictionary' of medical and scientific terms provided by Cancer Council Victoria.
- CancerGuide - An information site maintained by cancer survivor Steve Dunn. Practical advice on obtaining and using information about cancer.
- CancerNet - Information categorised for patients, health professionals and researchers from the US government cancer agency, the National Cancer Institute.
- Cancer Research UK - Cancer research organisation who carry out world-class research into cancer.
- Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA) - COSA is the peak multi-disciplinary society for health professionals working in cancer research or the treatment, rehabilitation or palliation of cancer patients.
- healthdirect - Provides trusted, quality health information and advice online and over the phone. The website provides links to thousands of resources on the websites of trusted Australian organisations. Operated by the Commonwealth Government of Australia.
- Institute of Cancer Research (UK) - Information about the Institute plus information for patients and families.
- International Union Against Cancer - The international non-governmental association of more than 290 cancer control organisations in 87 countries.
- Mayo Clinic Cancer Centre - News, reference articles, quizzes and a cancer glossary.
- National Cancer Control Initiative - Information about the range of cancer control projects - including colorectal cancer, skin cancer and familial cancer - managed by this Australian government/non-government partnership.
- OncoLink - A multimedia oncology information resource from the University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center, provides information about types of cancer, updates on treatments and news about research advances.
- Optometry Australia - Their Good Vision for Life hub provides information and educates Australians about eye health and how to maintain good vision via a range of resources and blog articles.
- Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute - Patient and health professional advice.
- Virtual Cancer Centre - An independent site providing a range of information on most cancers and on treatment, research and palliative care.
Cancer research / treatment
- Australian & New Zealand Breast Cancer Trials Group - ANZ BCTG conducts a clinical trials program for the treatment and prevention of breast cancer. The program involves multicentre clinical trials and collaboration with more than 80 institutions and 300 researchers across Australia and New Zealand.
- Australian & New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate (ANZUP) Cancer Trials Group - A cancer cooperative clinical trials group, established to bring together all the professional disciplines and groups involved in researching and treating urogenital cancers (testicular, bladder, kidney, prostate).
- Center for Analysis of Rare Tumours (CART-WHEEL) - Online registry for patients diagnosed with rare types of tumours to submit case information that can assist researchers.
- Clinical Trials Centre (NHMRC) - Details of clinical trials and other research.
- Consumer Learning - A site developed to enhance the contribution of people affected by cancer to clinical trials research. The website contains short online learning modules and video presentations to guide consumers who are seeking to participate in clinical trials.
- International Agency for Research on Cancer - IARC is part of the World Health Organisation, responsible for coordinating and conducting research on the causes of human cancer, the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, and developing scientific strategies for cancer control.
- PubMed - The US National Library of Medicine's search service that provides access to over 10 million citations in MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, and other related databases, with links to participating online journals.
- Cancer subset of PubMed - Search papers specific to cancer in the US National Library of Medicine.
- Melanoma and Skin Cancer Trials - a collaborative trials group specialising in investigator-initiated melanoma and skin cancer research.
- Quackwatch - website of a US non-profit corporation providing information about quackery and unproven remedies, including an "alternative cancer treatment registry".
- Respecting Patient Choices - Website created by Melbourne-based Austin Health to provide information on advanced care planning.
- Trans Tasman Radiation Oncology Group - Facilitates research into cancers that can be treated with radiotherapy, either alone or in combination with other treatments such as surgery or chemotherapy.
- Victorian Cancer Trials Link - The Victorian Cancer Trials Link (VCTL) is searchable database of all cancer clinical trials being conducted in Victoria. It can be used by both consumers and clinicians.
Particular cancer types or cancer-related issues
Breast cancer
- BreastScreen Australia is the national mammographic screening program. It provides free screening mammograms for women aged 50-69, with the aim of reducing deaths from breast cancer in this target group.
- Fertility-related choices: A decision aid for younger women with early breast cancer - This booklet describes the different fertility options available to younger women with early breast cancer. It has been designed specifically to help patients consider the pros and cons and work out which fertility treatment, if any, is best suited to their situation.
Cervical cancer
- Federal Government cervical screening program to promote early detection.
- PapScreen Victoria - Victorian site offering a range of information on Pap testing.
- Australian Teenage Cancer Patients' Society (Canteen) - Support for teens with cancer.
- CanTeen Connect for Parents - Designed to connect parents impacted by cancer and provide tailored support and resources.
- Children and teenagers at the end of life: talking about dying - When children are dying, they need information to understand what’s happening. Talking is important.
- When a sibling is dying: supporting children and teenagers – Information on how and why it is important to tell children that their sibling is dying. It helps them feel safe and adapt to changes in family life.
- When your child is dying: looking after yourself - When a child is dying it will affect their parents’ mental health, physical health and emotions. Information for parents on looking after themselves and their relationships, so they are better able to care for their child.
- After your child’s death: looking after yourself - Support for parents who have lost a child and information on how to look after themselves during this devastating time.
Head and neck cancer
- Head and Neck Cancer Australia - Support for patients with head and neck cancer and their carers.
HIV and cancer
- Positive Life NSW - Fact sheet for people with cancer and HIV.
Kidney cancer
- Kidney Health Australia - Information on kidney cancer, symptoms, diagnosis and treatments.
Lung cancer
- The Australian Lung Foundation - The role of The Australian Lung Foundation is to: promote lung health; elevate public awareness of the symptoms of lung disease; promote early diagnosis; provide support for all those affected by lung disease; advocate for further research and screening into lung disease; and facilitate medical and scientific research into lung disease.
- Kylie Johnston Lung Cancer Network LOTE for Lung Cancer Project - The Australian Lung Foundation and Cancer Council have produced a series of information brochures and posters in English and seven other languages. Developed in collaboration with the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne and the Asbestos Diseases Society, the brochure provides information about the different types of lung cancer, treatments and support options. There is also guidance on questions to ask your doctor and contact details for Cancer Council Helpline.
- The Lymphoedema Association of Australia - Information about lymphoedema, treatment, support groups and resources.
- Lymphoma Australia – not for profit dedicated to information and support for people affected by lymphoma.
Mesothelioma and asbestos-related lung cancers
- Asbestos Diseases Society of Australia - counselling and support services, advocacy, and fundraising for medical research and support services.
Palliative care
- Palliative Care Australia - Information about palliative care and a national directory of services.
- International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care - The International Association's website provides a comprehensive listing of links to palliative care information, journals, organisations and associations.
- Australian and New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine - Information primarily for medical practitioners, nurses and allied health professionals working in palliative care.
- CarerHelp – Provides information and advice to the thousands of Australians who find themselves having to care for a partner, friend or relative affected by cancer.
- Children and teenagers at the end of life: support – Information on family routines, social connections, goals, and end-of-life wishes, which can be good for children at the end of life.
Prostate Cancer
- Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia - Information about prostate cancer and a list of support groups, plus links to other prostate cancer sites.
- Lions Australian Prostate Cancer Website - Developed by the Australian Prostate Cancer Collaboration to assist men affected by prostate cancer and their families. Includes the "Australian Prostate Cancer Navigator" containing links to prostate cancer organisations around Australia and a comprehensive directory of links to other sites.
- Local Prostate Cancer - a guide for men and their families (2010) is designed for men with localised prostate cancer who need information on what localised prostate cancer is, how it is tested and treatment options.
- Advanced Prostate Cancer - a guide for men and their families (2009) aims to explain the advanced stages of prostate cancer, its treatments and how men and their families can manage patient health and care.
Rare cancers
- Rare Cancers Australia - Information and news on rare cancer types, personal stories and links to other organisations supporting people with rare cancers.
Skin cancer
- Royal Australasian College of Dermatologists - Information about melanoma, UV radiation and prevention, diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer.
- SunSmart - Details of the Victorian SunSmart campaign, information about skin cancer, research, resources for schools, games and information for kids.
Tobacco control/smoking
- National Tobacco Campaign - Details of the federal, state and territory health initiative with facts about smoking, the science behind and images from the national campaign and quitting stories and tips.
- QUIT Victoria - A good range of "background briefs" providing information about smoking and health issues and stopping smoking and a "Tobacco Action Pack" for students.
- Tobacco Information and Prevention Source (TIPS) - The US Centres for Disease Control site has general information, current news and events, research, data and reports categorised by topic, new tobacco-related citations and educational materials.
- WHO tobacco free initiative - Information about World Health Organisation tobacco control initiatives, major international reports, and WHO publications, reports and fact sheets.
Patient support and advocacy
- Breast Cancer Network Australia - Empowers, informs, represents and links together Australians personally affected by breast cancer.
- Look Good Feel Better - A free community service program dedicated to helping women undergoing treatment for cancer.
- Life, Hope and Reality - Provides information for people with advanced cancer and their families, caregivers and friends.
Tasmanian Cancer Websites
Cancer Council Tasmania has compiled a list of Tasmanian cancer related websites that are judged to contain quality information on cancer.