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Media Release

Cancer Council Australia welcomes Mark Nevin as new CEO

12 August 2024

Cancer Council Australia today announces the appointment of Mark Nevin as incoming Chief Executive Officer.

Mr Nevin brings a wealth of experience in executive leadership roles within public health and health system reform, both in Australia and internationally. He served as interim CEO of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) during the pandemic and most recently as the interim CEO of the Australasian Institute of Digital Health (AIDH).

Professor Hugh Harley, Chair of Cancer Council Australia said, “Mark’s extensive experience and leadership in health strategy, advocacy and policy for peak health bodies, puts him in a strong position to improve cancer outcomes for all Australians.”

“Mark has a proven track record in governance, improving outcomes for consumers and the adoption of new innovative clinical and digital technologies, including in cancer care. I am confident that his leadership will set Cancer Council Australia up for success, well into the future.”

Mr Nevin will commence his term today, Monday 12 August.

Mr Nevin said, “I am delighted to be in the position to lead Cancer Council Australia, particularly as digital health, public health and cancer care increasingly intersect and offer new opportunities to reduce the impact of cancer.”

“Whilst cancer survival rates are improving, more than 1 million Australians are currently living with cancer or are cancer survivors. There’s still so much we can do to reduce this burden, particularly through Cancer Council’s expanded cancer support and navigation services.

“I look forward to working with the public health and cancer care sectors, government, clinicians and the community to continue to drive progress in cancer prevention, support, advocacy and research.”

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