Healthy fundraising

Here at Cancer Council, we want to make it easier for you to make healthier choices when you fundraise.
We know that a third of cancers can be prevented through a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating well and being physically active, protecting yourself from UV, living smoke-free, and avoiding excess weight gain.
By changing small things about the way you fundraise, you can have a big impact on reducing the cancer risk in your community.
There are many ways that you can support a healthier community through fundraising the healthy way:
- Choose snacks and drinks that are lower in saturated fats, sugars and salts. See some healthy snack and drink ideas and recipes
- Choose prizes that support an active lifestyle. For example a family pass to your local swim centre, raffle a bike or invite your friends to sponsor you to walk/swim/ride a certain distance.
Why is healthy fundraising important?
- By following national guidelines that encourage healthy eating and drinking, physical activity and sun safe behaviour we can all help to reduce cancer risk
- Raises funds whilst promoting health and wellbeing.
- Shows the community that you care about health.
- Demonstrates positive role modelling.
- Creates a healthy community.
Quick checklist
□ Does your event promote and provide healthy food and drinks?
□ If outdoors, is your event SunSmart e.g. are sunscreen, shade and hats available?
□ Are there opportunities to encourage people to be active at your event?
□ Have you looked into healthy prize options and incentives from your prize pack?
□ Is the event smoke free or provide smoke free spaces?
□ Are alcohol guidelines in place to help people follow standard drink recommendations? Click here to find out more. Does your event provide alcohol free beverage choices?
Explore other ways to get involved with Cancer Council
Together we're getting closer to a cancer free future