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Donate to the Future Fund

9 September 2021

Woman wearing headscarf and friend.

Cancer Council Tasmania is funded principally from the Tasmanian community, with more than 85% of funding each year derived from the generous support of Tasmanian businesses, individuals and families.

Each and every year over $4 million from fundraising, donations and bequests must be sourced to ensure that our vital programs and services can continue to be delivered around the state.

The past year has proven that organisations such as Cancer Council Tasmania, which are dependant on fundraising and donations, need to find different, secure and reliable revenue streams. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions made on and within the community reinforced the decision made by Cancer Council Tasmania to establish the Future Fund.

The Future Fund is a new initiative to donate to Cancer Council Tasmania. The Fund is a capacity-building vehicle for us to take away some of the risk of our current reliance on traditional fundraising and donor activities.

We want to provide financial security for ongoing Cancer Council Tasmania programs. Our aim is to create a substantial investment in the Fund from which earnings can be reinvested into the operations of the business.

Cancer Council Tasmania’s “business” is the continued delivery of our programs, services and investment into research at the Royal Hobart and Launceston General Hospitals.

The Future Fund has an Advisory Committee, chaired by prominent Tasmanian businessman Royce Fairbrother. The Fund is also governed by Cancer Council Tasmania’s Board with specific rules on how funds can be invested and used.

These are embedded in our Constitution to provide transparency and assurance to donors that their funds are being invested and expended wisely and appropriately.

The Future Fund is taking time to build, but its importance in continuing to market and focus on why Tasmanians should support the Fund is essential for our long-term survival.

Every day, around 10 Tasmanians receive a cancer diagnosis. This adds to the 30,000 Tasmanians currently living with a cancer diagnosis.

National research predicts this figure will increase by 73% - to over 15 people per day by 2040, meaning 1 in 18 Tasmanians will be living with a personal history of cancer.

On current population growth, this will mean potentially more than 40,000 Tasmanians will be living with a cancer diagnosis.

The need is clear. The demand by Tasmanians for cancer support services in the future will continue to increase.

Tasmanians have been supporting Cancer Council Tasmania for 27 years and the Future Fund is another opportunity to continue that relationship.

Our goal is to raise $10 million in the next 10 years for the Fund.

Donors may not see benefits today, but they will be reassured their children and future generations will continue to be assisted by Cancer Council Tasmania if they are unfortunately impacted by a cancer diagnosis.

Secure our future now