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Volunteering Opportunities

Cancer Council Tasmania

Relay for Life - Event Volunteers Needed

Each Relay event is organised and supported by passionate, local volunteers and is an experience that will stay with you forever. We need volunteers in various roles for these events held one weekend a year, coming to a place near you soon!

RFL brings communities together to celebrate Survivors and recognise the unsung heroes - their Carers. We honour those we’ve lost during our candlelight ceremony (event specific), and we continue to raise funds to support people affected by cancer, fund research and prevention programs. Teams complete laps around a track throughout the Relay to signify that every day, we're making strides towards a cancer free future.

It doesn’t matter who you are — a community member, school or university student, parent, grandparent, carer or survivor — we need you as a part of the RFL movement.

Volunteers as needed to assist at each event. If you are located in Hobart, Launceston, Penguin/NW Tas or surrounds and would like to be a part of this large community experience, we'd love to hear from you. Maybe you and a friend can join together to enjoy the volunteer experience!

RFL is just around the corner – and we need YOU! The more hands, the lighter the load we say and that is no understatement with RFL – if you are able to spare a few hours of your time, we'd love to hear from you.

Current Event dates are:

  • Penguin: 22-23 March
  • Hobart: 29-30 March
  • Launceston: 5 April
  • Triabunna: 12 April

What needs doing I hear you ask? Volunteers are required to assist prior, at and post events. Examples of what needs doing include:

  • putting up signage
  • unloading items at the location
  • putting up tents
  • wrapping plants
  • event traffic flow (cars and people)
  • manning candle sales
  • manning gates
  • distributing programs
  • post event pack up, and more.

It's quite the list!

If you are interested in volunteering at this year’s RFL, please do contact us on the below details.

Clothes4Cancer Retail Assistant Volunteer Roles Currently Available - Devonport Region

Cancer Council Tasmania's (CCT) Opportunity Shop, Clothes4Cancer is on the lookout for willing volunteers to assist us in our shop based in East Devonport.

These roles will be providing a welcoming presence to all customers to the Clothes4Cancer Opportunity Shop, including assistance with shop sales, sorting of donations, shop displays and various other tasks involved with the running of the shop.

Supportive Care Program Volunteer Roles Currently Available - Launceston

CCT has several positions available in our Launceston Support Centre for those wishing to assist in supporting and providing information to anyone affected by cancer. These roles provide a welcoming presence to all visitors to our Centre and to assist our Supportive Care Staff in the provision of services.

These roles would appeal to caring individuals who are able to give a half day once or twice a week, and there are options for volunteering on a more casual basis.

Transport2Treatment Volunteer Roles Currently Available - Launceston

Our Volunteer t2t Drivers are responsible for using a CCT company vehicle to provide a safe, supportive, flexible and professional transport service for clients with cancer and their caregivers travelling to access treatment.

We are looking for experienced drivers who are caring, compassionate and are able to commit up to a day during the working week. You will be required to pick up cancer patients from their homes, take them to their cancer treatment appointments and return them home.

Our t2t drivers tell us the role is very rewarding. In particular, the ability to participate in a program that provides a valued no-cost to patients service and the relationships that they establish with cancer patients.

You will need to consent to a Police Check, possess or ability to obtain a WWVP Card (reimbursement available) and a current driver's license.

Cancer Support Group Co-Facilitator Volunteer Roles Currently Available - Hobart, Launceston & Devonport

CCT has several positions available in Devonport, Hobart and Launceston for those who would like to assist CCT's support group facilitators in providing a supportive environment for our support group clients. This includes basic administrative tasks eg attendance lists and would also be given the opportunity to facilitate the group meetings in the Facilitator's absence if this was something they felt they would like to do.

These roles would appeal to caring individuals who are able to give a half day once a month, and currently include:

Launceston - Men's Group Co-Facilitator, second Thursday of the month, in the morning

Devonport - Men's Group Co-Facilitator, last Thursday of the month, in the afternoon

Devonport - Women's Group Co-Facilitator, once a month, date TBC

Hobart - Various Cancer Support Group Co-Facilitator roles, once a month, dates TBC

Interested? We'd love to hear from you.

Please contact Human Resources to find out more and/or obtain an application form: / 1300 65 65 85