Clinical Guidelines


GUIDELINE UPDATES - This guideline was last updated 01/07/2022

This guideline is current until April 2025.

Table of Contents



Summary of recommendations

1. Cervical cancer in Australia

2. The rationale for primary HPV screening

3. Terminology

4. Unsatisfactory cervical screening results

5. Benefits, harms and cost-effectiveness of cervical screening

6. Management of oncogenic HPV test results

7. Colposcopy

8. Management of discordant colposcopic impression, histopathology and referral LBC prediction

9. Management of histologically confirmed low-grade squamous abnormalities

10. Management of histologically confirmed high-grade squamous abnormalities

11. Management of glandular abnormalities

12. Screening in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women

13. Screening after total hysterectomy

14. Screening in pregnancy

15. Screening in women who have experienced early sexual activity or have been victims of sexual abuse

16. Screening in immune-deficient women

17. Screening in DES-exposed women

18. Signs and symptoms of cervical cancer

19. Psychosocial care

20. Transitioning to the renewed National Cervical Screening Program


WEBSITE UPDATES - This website was last updated 01/07/2022