Clinical Guidelines


GUIDELINE UPDATES - This guideline was last updated 01/07/2022

2022 partial update to support policy change to expand access to self-collection

Cancer Council Australia Guideline Project Team and Daffodil Centre Technical Team

Ms Megan Varlow Director of Cancer Control Policy, Cancer Council Australia Provided project governance and led technical development of online guidelines.
A/Prof Megan Smith Daffodil Centre Drafted updates and new text for guidelines chapters 3,6,7,12, and 15; oversaw literature reviews and revised literature review summaries; reviewed updated guidelines content and flowcharts.
Ms Laura Sergeant Project Coordinator, Cervical Cancer Guidelines, The Daffodil Centre Project management for the guidelines update, and assisting with drafting and reviewing updates to the guidelines and flowcharts.
Prof Karen Canfell Director, The Daffodil Centre Oversight of the guidelines and updates
Ms Chloe Jennett Project Manager, The Daffodil Centre Drafted updates for chapter 14; project management
Ms Amy Pagotto Senior Research Assistant, The Daffodil Centre Drafted the literature review summaries for chapters 6 and 12.
Ms Caitlin McLachlan Research Assistant, The Daffodil Centre Assisted with referencing
Ms Jane Green Graphic Designer, Everlasting Magic Design Updated flowcharts

2020/2021 partial update: intermediate risk

Cancer Council Australia Guideline Project Team and Cancer Council NSW Technical Team

Ms Megan Varlow Director of Cancer Control Policy, Cancer Council Australia Provided project governance.
Prof Karen Canfell Director, Cancer Research Division, Cancer Council NSW Co-drafted updates and new text for guidelines chapter 6; oversaw data analysis; reviewed updated guidelines content and flowcharts
Dr Megan Smith Senior Research Fellow, Cancer Research Division, Cancer Council NSW Co-drafted updates and new text for guidelines chapter 6; oversaw data analysis; reviewed updated guidelines content and flowcharts.
Ms Maddison Sherrah Data Analyst, Cancer Council NSW Data analysis to support updates to Chapter 6
Ms Tamsin Curtis Project Manager, Cancer Council Australia Project management and led technical development of online guidelines

2016 original guidelines development

Cancer Council Australia Guideline Project Team and
Cancer Council NSW Systematic Review and Modelling Team

Ms Jutta von Dincklage Head, Clinical Guidelines Network, Cancer Council Australia Provided project governance, guideline development management and lead technical development of online guidelines.
Ms Laura Wuellner Project Manager, Clinical Guidelines Network, Cancer Council Australia Provided project management for content revision, including wiki and referencing
Prof Karen Canfell Director, Cancer Research Division, Cancer Council NSW Led the CCNSW technical team and provided oversite of the systematic reviews and all modelled evaluations
Ms Jessica Darlington-Brown Project Manager, Cervical Cancer Guidelines, Cancer Research Division, Cancer Council NSW Project management of the CCNSW technical team and assisting with development and reviewing of the content of the cervical cancer guidelines wiki
Ms Michaela Hall Research Assistant- Modelling technical support, Cervical Cancer Guidelines, Cancer Research Division, Cancer Council NSW Performed the modelled evaluation of the risk assessment for Chapter 6 and assisted in the modelled effectiveness and cost effectiveness evaluation for Chapter 6.
Ms Suzanne Hughes Project Officer, Cervical Cancer Guidelines, Cancer Research Division, Cancer Council NSW

Acted as the lead systematic reviewer, specific contributions include the following:

Undertook systematic reviews for chapters 6, 8, 10 – 11, 15 and 17

Undertook general literature reviews for parts of chapters 8 and 11

Drafted summary points or sections of evidence summary tables for parts of chapters 6, 8, 9 and 11

Reviewed and updated literature summaries for chapters 9 - 11

Reviewed and updated parts of chapters 6, 8 - 11

Contributed to draft of Appendix 2

Ms Harriet Hui Research Assistant, Cervical Cancer Guidelines, Cancer Research Division, Cancer Council NSW Assisted with systematic reviews, referencing, collating public consultation comments for various stakeholders, developing and finalising the consultation submission register and developing the glossary. Reviewing content on the cervical cancer guidelines wiki and development of the flowcharts.
Ms Chloe Jennett Research Assistant, Cervical Cancer Guidelines, Cancer Research Division, Cancer Council NSW Assisted with various systematic reviews, upload of evidence and content onto the cervical cancer guidelines wiki and assisting the Cancer Council NSW project manager throughout the duration of the project
Ms Jie Bin Lew Senior Research Programmer, Cervical Cancer Guidelines, Cancer Research Division, Cancer Council NSW Assisted in the modelled effectiveness and cost effectiveness evaluation and in developing systematic review questions
Ms Megan Smith Program Manager, Cervical Cancer Guidelines, Cancer Research Division, Cancer Council NSW

Performed systematic reviews, assisted in the modelled effectiveness and cost effectiveness evaluation and in developing systematic review questions and led the writing of several chapters, specific contributions include:

Co-drafted Chapter 16 and Appendix B.

Reviewed and updated chapters 1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 20.

Reviewed and updated literature summaries for chapters 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18.

Extracted data and contributed to literature review for Chapter 16.

Drafted summary points for chapters 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18.

Contributed to design of modelling for Chapter 6

Dr Kate Simms Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cervical Cancer Guidelines, Cancer Research Division, Cancer Council NSW

Performed the modelled analysis for Chapter 5, and led the modelled analysis for the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness evaluation for Chapter 6.

Assisted in developing systematic review questions.

Dr Louiza S Velentzis Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Cervical Cancer Guidelines, Cancer Research Division, Cancer Council NSW

Performed general evidence reviews and had a lead role in writing several chapters. Specific contributions include:

Led the writing and updated chapters 10, 13-15 and 17

Co-drafted chapters 5 and 16.

Conducted literature reviews for chapter 5 (sections on fertility/early pregnancy outcomes and obstetric complications); chapter 10, chapter 11 (section on follow-up after excisional treatment for AIS), and chapters 13, 14, 15, 17.

Extracted data and drafted general evidence summary tables for chapters 10, 11 (questions 7 and 17), and chapters 13, 14, 15, 17.

Dr Susan Yuill Research Assistant, Cervical Cancer Guidelines, Cancer Research Division, Cancer Council NSW

Acted as the secondary systematic reviewer, specific contributions include the following:

Undertook systematic reviews for chapters 6, 8 – 12, 16 and 18

Undertook general literature reviews for parts of chapters 9, 12 and 18

Reviewed and updated literature summaries for chapters 8, 10 – 11 and 16

Reviewed and updated parts of chapters 9 – 11, 16 and 18

Medical writer/editor

Ms Jennifer HarmanMedical Editor, Meducation, NSW Provided medical writing and editing services across various chapters

WEBSITE UPDATES - This website was last updated 01/07/2022