Clinical Guidelines


Clinical practice guidelines for teleoncology

The need to develop guidelines for teleoncology was identified as a priority by the Executive of the COSA Regional and Rural Group.The project was approved by COSA Council and a COSA Project Manager assigned. Cancer Council Australia was approached to host the guidelines on the Cancer Guidelines Wiki. No external funding was received to develop these guidelines.

The guidelines were developed by a multidisciplinary working group (see Working Group Members). Question leaders from the working group membership were designated to topics in their areas of expertise, with other working group members contributing as co-authors. The literature assessed for these guidelines focuses on the use of teleoncology throughout the cancer journey.

Clinical practice guidelines for teleoncology

*Note: If you experience difficulty accessing this guideline please contact us on

Guideline developer:
Clinical Oncology Society of Australia

Endorsed by:

The Medical Oncology Group of Australia Incorporated (MOGA)
Cancer Nurses Society of Australia (CNSA)