Could you take the End The Trend Challenge?

 No suntan. No fake tan. No tan lines. Four weeks.

It’s time to embrace our natural skin.

Australia, jump on board this End The Trend challenge with me and let's end the trend of the tan lines."

Alli Simpson

Could you ditch the suntan, for good? 

Huge news! The End The Trend challenge has kicked off and our fearless influencers have started to share their experiences of going tan-free, embracing and protecting their natural skin tone… no suntanning, no fake tan, nothing - for four weeks.   

We’ll be updating this page as they embark on their journey over the next month or so… to kiss a much-needed goodbye to the suntan. Can they do it?  

The last couple of weeks has really got me thinking about beauty standards and how having a tan (suntan or fake tan) is so glamourised, so it’s been refreshing to take any pressure off looking a certain way, especially around this busy time of year with work and events."

Jessie Norbury

What is the End The Trend Challenge? 

In Australia, many of us have grown to believe a suntan makes us look and feel better. But the truth is, suntanning contributes to 2 in 3 Australians developing skin cancer in their lifetime. Dangerous hashtags, like ‘tan lines’ or ‘sunburn tan lines’, trending on social media highlight the extent that suntanning is glamourised in our culture, despite it being a visible sign of our skin in trauma.  

I don't want to see anymore TikToks glorifying tan lines."

Alli Simpson

Fake tanning can contribute to this culture too. Our research shows people who use fake tan aren’t any better at protecting their skin and can even falsely believe it offers some protection from the sun. 

Join the Challenge 

It's time to challenge these deeply held attitudes. We’re encouraging everyone to give up the suntan— be it real or fake—and embrace and protect our natural skin tone.   Get involved by using the hashtag #endthetrendaus. 

Could you ditch the suntan for good?

It's been so liberating to embrace my natural skin."

Jessie Norbury

Our influencers take the challenge...