It can be overwhelming after being told that you have or may have myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN). A lot can happen quickly, and you might have lots of questions, like 'What happens next after a diagnosis?'
This support resource can help to guide you, your family, and your friends through this experience. Other international resources are available online but may discuss approaches to testing and treatment that are not standard of care in Australia.
There are three main types of MPNs which include essential thrombocythaemia (ET), polycythaemia vera (PV), and myelofibrosis (MF).
Information and support
For more information about MPN, visit the Leukaemia Foundation website, or call Cancer Council on 13 11 20 to talk to an experienced healthcare professional.
To speak with an experienced healthcare professional who can provide you with disease-specific information, answer your questions, talk through your concerns, and connect you to blood cancer support groups, call 1800 620 420 or visit the Leukaemia Foundation page. The team can also help with practical concerns such as accommodation close to treatment, transport to appointments, and financial assistance.
MPN Alliance Australia is a small team of volunteer Australian MPN patients who provide evidence-based information and support for MPN patients via their website. The website includes an information and support section for newly diagnosed patients, the latest MPN articles, treatment information, and several support options, including from other MPN patients.
More information is available in the ‘Resource’ section of the optimal care pathway for myeloproliferative neoplasms.
If you need a translator, call TIS on 13 14 50 or visit the TIS National website.
1. Initial investigation and referral
Many patients with an MPN may be unaware of having symptoms, and your condition may be first noticed by your doctor as unusual results in a routine blood test. If you have presented to your general practitioner (GP) or other primary care physician with symptoms, they will do a check-up to see if they can find out what is making you unwell.
They will ask you about any symptoms you might be having such as fatigue, concentration problems, fevers or night sweats, abdominal discomfort, weight loss, bone pain, itchy skin (particularly after exposure to water), gout, or burning pain in the hands and feet in response to heat. Please discuss any symptoms with your doctor.
Initial tests you may have:
Physical exam
Your doctor will check to see the cause of symptoms such as those noted above or unusual blood results.
Blood tests
A sample of your blood is collected and sent for a full blood examination and potentially other tests to see if there are markers for MPN present in the blood.
If your GP/physician thinks you may have an MPN, they’ll refer you to a haematologist or medical oncologist (specialist) at a public hospital or in private practice for more tests. Haematologists are highly trained in conditions that affect blood and bone marrow.
You can bring a family member or friend with you to your appointments.
The timing of your specialist appointment will depend on your initial results of tests performed by your GP or doctor. For a small number of patients, an urgent appointment or hospital admission may be required, but for most people with no urgency, an appointment within four weeks is appropriate.
If you can’t get an appointment within these timeframes, follow up with your GP.
Travel to access tests, treatment and care
You may have to travel to see a specialist, undergo tests or access treatment, especially if you live in a rural or regional area. In some cases, you may have to leave home for an extended period. Accommodation and transportation support services are available, and it is encouraged to have family support with you whilst you undergo treatment. Most MPN patients require ongoing treatment and management via regular blood tests and visits to their haematologist.
See further information on Leukaemia Foundation’s accommodation and transport support by visiting their accommodation services page and transport services page.
Mental health and emotional well-being
Even though most MPNs are a chronic blood cancer, a blood cancer diagnosis can affect your mental and emotional well-being. Many people being treated for a blood cancer experience a range of feelings and it is not uncommon to feel low, depressed, or anxious. Patient support organisations such as the Leukaemia Foundation or Cancer Council, your GP, or another health professional such as a psychologist or social worker can help you develop strategies to cope. They can help you access a mental health treatment plan if required.
Helpful tips
Let your doctor know what is most important to you in a specialist (e.g., that they specialise in ALL, cost, location, bedside manner, expertise).
Ask your GP to recommend trusted sources of information and support — you can share these with your family and friends too.
Talk to your GP/specialist about how to manage any other health conditions you may have during your blood cancer treatment and let them know if you have any concerns.
It is very helpful to request and keep copies of your blood test results, as well as reports of any scans or biopsies, etc. You are then able to take them with you when you see any other health provider for other health conditions, so that your care may be best suited to your particular needs.
It’s a good idea to keep a written diary or digital record of treatment details and appointments with the GP and specialists. You can ask permission to record appointments. It’s also helpful to bring a list of questions and ask for a written treatment plan. This can be an important source of information for later in life.
Don’t ignore new signs and symptoms. Alert the GP or specialist. Trust yourself. It’s OKAY to be persistent.
Questions you might want to ask
- Are there any symptoms that I should watch out for while I am waiting for my appointment to see a specialist?
- Can I choose the specialist I see?
- What emotional and mental health support services are available and how do I access them?
- Can I choose whether I go to a public or private hospital?
- What are the differences of being treated in the public versus private system?
2. Diagnosis and staging
The haematologist/specialist will do more tests to determine if you have an MPN to help determine the best treatment for you. This process of working out if you have a medical problem is called making a diagnosis.
You might have one test or a mix of tests:
Clinical assessment and screening
Clinical assessment and screening to check for cardiovascular risk factors, for example.
Blood tests
A blood sample is taken for a full blood evaluation and blood film examination. Other blood tests include tests for kidney and liver function, and for mutations relating to MPNs.
Chest X-ray and abdominal ultrasound may be requested.
Bone marrow testing
A bone marrow sample is collected from the hip using a thin needle. You may have a bone marrow aspirate and/or a bone marrow biopsy. The fluid portion of the bone marrow will be sampled for a bone marrow aspirate and the solid portion will be sampled for a bone marrow biopsy. Samples are then sent to a laboratory for examination.
These tests will give the specialist more information about the glioma, such as where exactly it is in your body, if the cancer is growing or has spread, and what stage it is at. This is called staging, which helps to work out the best treatment for you.
You should have most results back within eight weeks.
Questions you might want to ask
- What are MPNs and where can I find more information about it?
- What tests will I need and why? Do I need a bone marrow biopsy?
- Will my follow-up appointments be face-to-face or by tele/videohealth or a combination?
- What’s my prognosis?
- How much will appointments and tests cost and how much will I have to pay myself?
- Can I choose where I have treatment?
- Will I need to start treatment straightaway?
- How long will treatment last?
- Can I choose the type of treatment available for me?
- Is there information that I can share with my family or friends?
- What support services are available to me?
3. Treatment
Your specialist will talk to you about your treatment options for your MPN. You may need more than one treatment type to get the best results, and you will require monitoring and are likely to require ongoing treatment to manage your MPN for the rest of your life.
Some patients will initially be managed with a ‘Watch and Wait’ approach which involves regular blood testing and appointments with your haematologist to check for symptoms or changes in your blood test results.
You might have one treatment or a mix of treatments:
Anti-platelet & anti-coagulant therapy. Small daily doses of antiplatelet medication like aspirin or an anticoagulant medication like warfarin for most people with MPNs prevent platelets from clumping together and reduce the risk of blood clots.
Venesection/phlebotomy. Used for the treatment of PV and is a procedure where a controlled amount of blood is removed from the bloodstream to reduce the high red blood cell count.
Transfusions. If you have low red blood cell counts, you may need a blood transfusion which is a slow injection of red blood cells into a vein (intravenously or IV). Similarly, if you have a low platelet count, you may need a platelet transfusion where you will be given a slow injection of platelets into a vein.
Cytoreductive therapy. Considered for high-risk patients with MPN. These medications include chemotherapy drugs, immunotherapy drugs such as Interferon, platelet reducing agents such as Agrylin, and JAK inhibitors such as Ruxolitinib, which help to control the number of red and white blood cells and platelets in the bloodstream as well as the size of the spleen.
Allogeneic stem cell transplant. This is reserved for high-risk patients only; your haematologist will discuss if this is an option for you.
For more information, visit Cancer Treatment. Supportive care (treatment or services that support you through a cancer experience) are also available, often delivered through a multidisciplinary team that may include nurses, pharmacists, psychologists, physiotherapists and dietitians.
By evaluating your symptoms and test results, your specialist will determine when your treatment should start. For most people this will generally be within eight weeks of the decision being made.
For people who are at a high-risk for blood clots, treatment should begin immediately, usually starting with taking anti-platelet or anti-coagulant medications and venesections if haematocrit is very high in PV patients. There may be instances where your treatment could be delayed beyond this timeframe. If this occurs your specialist will discuss this with you.
You can ask your GP for a referral to another specialist for a second opinion.
Clinical trials
You may be offered to take part in a clinical trial. Clinical trials are used to test whether new treatments are safe and work better than current treatments. Many people with cancer are now living longer, with a better quality of life, because of clinical trials.
Complementary therapies
Speak to your healthcare team about any complementary therapies (including dietary supplements like vitamins) you use or would like to use. Something as common as vitamins might not work well with your treatment.
Fertility and sexual health
Blood cancer and blood cancer treatment may cause fertility problems for both men and women. This will depend on age, the type of blood cancer and the treatment received. If this is relevant, get advice from your treating team about contraception before, during, and after treatment. Discuss having children whilst undergoing treatment and the need for referral to a fertility specialist and options for fertility preservation before starting treatment. Diagnosis and treatment may affect your sex life or overall sexual health.
For more information on clinical trials, visit the Australian Cancer Trials page or search the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Register. Participation in a clinical trial is voluntary, and you can choose not to participate in a clinical trial or withdraw from a clinical trial at any point if you wish.
For relationship support and, if necessary, referral to counselling services, visit the relationships and sex page on Leukaemia Foundation. Canteen Australia also provides some helpful information on fertility options after a cancer diagnosis.
You can ask for more time to think about your treatment options, and you can ask your GP for a referral to another specialist for a second opinion.
Questions you might want to ask
- What are the treatment options available to me and what is their impact on MPN progression?
- What are my options if the MPN progresses?
- What treatment do you recommend and why?
- Are there alternatives?
- What will happen if I don’t have treatment?
- How long will I need to be on treatment?
- What will treatment cost and how much of the cost will I have to pay myself?
- What activities/exercise will help me manage my treatment and its side effects?
- Is there any specific diet I should follow or foods or drink to avoid during treatment
- How will the treatment affect my day-today life and can I still work?
- Who is in my treatment team and who is the main contact person if I have any questions or feel unwell?
- What do I need to know if I am travelling and on long flights to manage the risk of blood clots?
- What activities/exercise will help me to live well with an MPN?
- Is there any specific diet I should follow or foods or drink to avoid now that I have an MPN?
- How will my MPN affect my day-to-day life, and can I still work?
- Will treatment affect my ability to have children, and if yes, what options should I consider?
- Should I get a medic alert?
4. After treatment
A priority for treating MPNs is optimising symptom management and quality of life for patients through using combined medical approaches and supportive therapies to support your physical, psychological, nutritional, and general wellbeing.
Comprehensive support and side effect management should be part of your routine ongoing care. It is important to ask your GP and follow health advice on vaccinations including for COVID-19 and other infections such as influenza or shingles.
Ongoing care management plan
You will need regular ongoing follow-up appointments and care, so your specialist and healthcare team will work with you to make a chronic disease management plan for you and your GP. This may need to be updated over time if your needs change. This plan will explain:
- who your main contact person is after treatment
- how often you should have check-ups and what tests this will include
- understanding and dealing with potential side effects of treatment
- how to get help quickly if you have an urgent problem
- how to get help quickly if you have an urgent problem, e.g., blood clots and unusual bleeding
- what healthcare and community support services are available to you and how to access them
Your specialist and healthcare team will talk to you about your needs and can refer you to other health professionals and community support services. Other information you get might be about:
- the symptoms of the disease and how to manage them
- the side effects of treatment and the specialists you may need to see
- how to make healthy lifestyle choices to give you the best chance of staying well
For more information, visit After Cancer Treatment.
Questions you might want to ask
- Who should I contact if I am feeling unwell?
- What can I do to be as healthy as possible?
- Where can I get more help?
5. Living with cancer
Patients with MPN have an increased risk of other malignancies and therefore should have preventative strategies and appropriate screening (such as bowel, cervical, breast, and prostate cancer screening).
Monitoring of blood counts, renal, and liver function and tolerance to treatment should be undertaken by practitioners who have experience in managing patients with MPNs. These can be tailored to the patient’s treatment regimen and risk factor profile.
Other treatment options may include:
- standard anti-leukaemia strategies (considered on a case-by-case basis)
- clinical trials
- referral to a specialist bone marrow (stem cell) transplant centre
- supportive care and symptom control
Questions you might want to ask
- What is my prognosis?
- Are there alternative treatment options?
- Can I be cured?
- Are there clinical trials available to me?
- What financial, practical, or emotional support is available?
Advance care planning
Your GP or healthcare team may talk with you, your family, and carer about your future treatment and medical needs.
Advance care directive
Sometimes known as a living will, an advance care directive is a legally binding document that you prepare to let your family and healthcare team know about the treatment and care you might want or not want in case you become too unwell to make those decisions yourself.
For more information, visit Advance Care Planning Australia.
Palliative care
Your specialist may refer you to palliative care services, but this doesn’t always mean end-of-life care. Today, people can be referred to these services much earlier if they’re living with cancer or if their cancer returns. Palliative care can help you to live as well as you can, including managing pain and symptoms. This care may be at home, in a hospital or at another location you choose.
Speak to your GP or specialist or visit Palliative Care Australia.
Making treatment decisions
You may decide not to have treatment at all, or to only have some treatment to reduce pain and discomfort. You may want to discuss your decision with your healthcare team, GP, family and carer.
For more information, visit Advanced Cancer Treatment.
What can I do to help myself now that I have an MPN?
Many people are living longer with cancer, and many people with MPNs can have an almost normal life expectancy. It is important that people receive ongoing care and support in finding a ‘new normal’, managing general health, the effects of the cancer and/or treatment, and coping with the emotional impact of cancer and fear of progression.
It is important to take good care of yourself and there are many things you can do to improve your general health and wellbeing including, eating a balanced diet, maintaining a normal weight, exercising, quitting smoking, and considering wellness activities such as yoga and meditation.
Questions you might want to ask
- What can you do to reduce my symptoms?
- What extra support can I get if my family and friends care for me at home?
- Can you help me to talk to my family about what is happening?
- What support is available for my family or carer?
- Can I be referred to a community support service?
6. Questions of cost
You may have to pay for some appointments, tests, medications, accommodation, travel or parking. Speak with your GP, specialist or private health insurer (if you have one) to understand what is covered and what your out-of-pocket costs may be.
If you have concerns about costs, talk to your healthcare team or a social worker about:
- being bulk-billed or being treated in the public system
- help with accommodation during treatment
- the possible financial impact of your treatment
You can call Cancer Council on 13 11 20 to speak to a healthcare professional about financial support. For more information about costs, visit Practical and financial assistance and What will I have to pay for treatment.
7. Further support
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms support
You can speak to specially trained staff at Cancer Council on 13 11 20. They can answer your questions about the effects of cancer, explain what will happen during treatment and link you to support groups and other community resources.
If you need an interpreter, call TIS (the Translating and Interpreting Service) on 13 14 50.
For support and advice for carers, call the Carers Association on 1800 242 636.
More support options
Leukaemia Foundation
A national charity dedicated to helping those with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and related blood disorders to survive and live a better quality of life. The team can also help with practical concerns such as accommodation close to treatment, appointment transport, and financial assistance
• Telephone: 1800 620 420
• Website:
MPN Alliance Australia
A small team of volunteer Australian MPN patients who provide evidence-based information and support for MPN patients
• Website:
Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre
Has general and tumour-specific information, primarily focused on the post-treatment survivorship phase
• Telephone: (03) 9656 5207
• Website:
Information on depression, anxiety and related disorders, available treatment and support services
• Telephone: 1300 22 4636
• Website:
Look Good, Feel Better
A non-medical, free community service program dedicated to teaching women how to manage the appearance-related side-effects caused by cancer treatment
• Telephone: 1800 650 960 (Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 5.00pm)
• Website:
Cancer Australia
Information on cancer prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment and supportive care for Australians affected by cancer, and their families and carers
• Telephone: 1800 624 973
• Website:
Australian organisation for young people living with cancer offers support, information, and resources
• Telephone: 1800 226 833
• Website:
Care Search: Palliative Care Knowledge network
Information for patients and carers on living with illness, practical advice on how to care, and finding services
• Telephone: (08) 7221 8233
• Website:
National Health Services Directory
A directory providing information on local hospitable and community services
• Website:
Optimal care pathways have been developed for health professionals and health services. However, patients and carers may find useful information in this version to help understand the processes their treating health professionals are following.