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Personal cancer story

Noella Buchanan

Type: Bowel cancer

I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2019. I had some bleeding that I thought was unusual, so I went to my doctor to get checked. Consequently, I was referred to have a colonoscopy. After the procedure, I was diagnosed with stage one colorectal cancer, which then resulted in surgery. The surgery changed my life.

Watch Noella's story

When you notice changes in your body, consult your doctor, find cancer early."

My message to you is regret doesn't change the outcome of your cancer diagnosis or your treatment plan, but early detection does. The peace of mind it gives you, I would encourage anybody to do it. When you notice changes in your body, consult your doctor, find cancer early. It could save your life.

It is important to check your body regularly, so you know what is normal for you. If you notice any changes in your body, see your doctor.

For more information visit Early detection and screening.