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Personal cancer story

Chelsea De Maine

Cancer Type: Squamous Cell Carcinoma

I noticed a spot on my nose that didn’t go away, which I assumed was probably just a pimple or something similar. I had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right so I thought I should go to my doctor to get it checked.

It was a squamous cell carcinoma that had to be removed surgically. I was glad I got it checked as it was detected early. I felt as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and allowed me to get on with life and motherhood.

I now get regular skin checks annually and encourage others to do the same, no matter what your skin tone is."

I naturally have a darker skin tone and thought that meant regular skin checks weren’t as important. I now get regular skin checks annually and encourage others to do the same, no matter what your skin tone is.

It is important to check your skin regularly. If you notice a change in shape, size or colour of a spot, see your doctor. Use the 5 types of sun protection whenever the UV is 3 and above to protect yourself daily.

Read more about how to check for signs of skin cancer.